Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-2.11.4 - Kitchens1. Children are not allowed in the kitchen area. In School Age/After School programs, children may be allowed in the kitchen but not during times when food is being cooked. Supervision in the kitchen when children are present must meet the staffing requirements as referenced in Subchapter 8 of the regulations.2. Barriers, approved by the local fire authority, shall be erected and doors shall be closed at all times.3. Kitchens shall have a minimum area of 90 square feet, measured wall to wall.4. For a child care facility with 12 or fewer children, located in an occupied dwelling, the following regulations shall replace the Mississippi State Department of Health's 10.0 Regulation Food Code: a. No game or home canned foods shall be served.b. Other than fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit, all foods shall be from commercial sources.c. Food shall be cooked or reheated to a temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot food shall be held at a minimum temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.d. Cold food shall be stored at a temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or below.e. All food shall be covered while in the refrigerator or freezer.f. Any prepared foods not properly refrigerated at a temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less, or frozen, shall be discarded.g. If manual washing is utilized, a sanitizer shall be used. Rinsing in a chlorine solution using one and one-half tablespoons of household bleach per gallon of water is sufficient. (Appendix "E"). If a dishwasher is utilized, the nozzle ports shall be free of obstructions, and the interior of the machine shall be clean. Dishwashers shall have a sanitizing cycle that shall reach a temperature 165 degrees at the incoming water valve.h. Hot water, under pressure, shall be available.i. Insecticides, poisons, cleaning agents, and medications, shall be stored away from food, separately from each other, and out of the reach of children.j. Children shall not be exposed to insecticides or pesticides, or other toxic agents.k. Hands shall be washed frequently, when switching between working with raw and ready-to-eat foods, and after all non-food preparation activities.l. Clean clothing shall be worn.m. Gloves shall be worn if there are any cuts or abrasions on the hands.5. All kitchens and/or food/snack preparation areas in a child care facility shall be inspected as part of the child care inspection program.15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-2.11.4
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8.