Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-2.10.1 - General1. Equipment, toys, and materials for both indoor and outdoor use shall be appropriate to the age and developmental needs of the children served.2. Developmentally age-appropriate toys shall be available and accessible for infants, and shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Simple, lightweight, open-ended, easily washable toys such as containers, balls, large pop-beads, nesting cups.b. Rattles, squeak toys, action/reaction toys.d. Toys to mouth such as teethers and rings.e. Pictures of real objects.f. A crawling area with sturdy, stable furniture for pulling up self.3. Developmentally age-appropriate toys shall be available and accessible for toddlers, and shall include but not be limited to the following:b. Stacking toys, large wooden spools/beads/cubes.c. Sturdy picture books, music.d. Pounding bench, simple puzzles.e. Play phone, dolls, and toys to appeal to child's imagination.g. Sturdy furniture to hold on to while walking. h. Sand and water toys.4. Developmentally age-appropriate toys shall be available and accessible for preschoolers, and shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Active play equipment for climbing and balancing.b. Unit blocks and accessories.c. Puzzles, manipulative toys.d. Picture books and records, musical instruments.e. Art materials such as finger and tempera paints, clay, play dough, crayons, collage materials, markers, scissors, and paste.f. Dramatic play materials such as dolls, dress-up clothes and props, child-sized furniture, puppets.5. Children's original work shall be displayed in the child care facility.6. Books shall be on shelves and tables for children to look at and read. Every child shall have age-appropriate materials (including picture books) read to and discussed with him or her every day. Where appropriate, the materials should cover topics with which the children are involved.7. Television viewing by preschool children shall be limited to one hour per day and shall be educational programming only. Television viewing by staff is not permitted in areas occupied by children except for the purposes as described herein.8. The daily activity schedule shall demonstrate that preschoolers are given opportunities to do a variety of activities, including both quiet and active, such as block play, art activities, puzzles, books, and learning games, and that stories are read to and discussed with each child every day.15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-2.10.1
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8.