15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-1.11.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-11-55-1.11.1 - Building
1. A child care facility shall be physically separated from any other business or enterprise. Other occupants, visitors, and/or employees of other businesses or enterprises within the same building shall not be allowed within the physical confines of the child care facility for the purpose of entering the building or exiting the building, or passing through the child care facility for the purpose of gaining access to another part of the building.
2. All child care facility buildings shall meet all fire safety standards listed on the MSDH Form #333 and all applicable local fire safety standards and/or ordinances.
3. No house trailers, relocatable classrooms, or portable buildings shall be used to house a child care facility unless such structure was originally designed specifically for educational purposes and meet the Mississippi State Department of Education's current standards for a relocatable classroom. Further, such portable structure shall meet all applicable fire safety codes.
4. Current licensees operating facilities housed in such structures are exempted from this provision. Any change of ownership, need for major renovation, or other significant change in the facility's status shall revoke such exemption.
5. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the licensing agency for review and approval on all proposed construction and/or major renovations.
6. A separate space shall be provided for the use of an ill or injured child until the child can be picked up by the parent. Space shall be located in an area that is supervised at all times by an employee.
7. The ceiling, floor, and/or floor covering shall be properly installed, kept clean and in good condition, and maintained in good repair. Carpeting is prohibited in kitchen areas.
8. All parts of the child care facility used by children shall be lead-safe, well lighted, ventilated, and free of hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, such as but not limited to, open stairs and unprotected low windows.
a. All buildings intended for use as a child care facility constructed before 1965 shall be tested for lead. It is the responsibility of the facility applicant/operator to have a lead hazard screen or lead-based paint risk assessment of the facility done by an individual or company certified as a risk assessor by the Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality. If the facility is found not to be lead-safe, it will not be allowed to operate as a child care facility until all required corrective measures have been taken and the facility is determined to be lead-safe by a certified risk assessor.
b. All buildings intended for use as a child care facility, constructed prior to 1978, shall utilize MDEQ Lead Safe Certified individuals or companies for all renovation, repair and maintenance activities which disturb painted surfaces unless the paint to be disturbed has been documented to be lead-free by an individual or company that is MDEQ Lead Safe Certified as a risk assessor or inspector.

NOTE: It is recommended that child care facility operators contact the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality at 601-961-5630 regarding any questions they may have about compliance with the laws and regulations related to lead and lead based paint.

9. All parts of the child care facility used by children shall be lead-safe, well lighted, ventilated, and free of hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, such as but not limited to, open stairs and unprotected low windows.
10. All buildings intended for use as a child care facility constructed before 1965 shall be tested for lead. It is the responsibility of the facility applicant/operator to have a lead hazard screen or lead-based paint risk assessment of the facility done by an individual or company certified as a risk assessor by the Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality. If the facility is found not to be lead-safe, it will not be allowed to operate as a child care facility until all required corrective measures have been taken and the facility is determined to be lead-safe by a certified risk assessor.
11. All glass in doors, windows, mirrors, etc., shall have a protective barrier at least four feet high when measured from the floor. Doors, windows, mirrors, etc., using safety-grade glass or polymer (e.g., Lexan) are not required to have a protective barrier. Glass windows and glass door panels shall be equipped with a vision strip 36 inches from the floor. Safety glass must be so certified by the installer and the statement kept on file at the child care facility.
12. Walls shall be kept clean and free of torn wall covering, chipped paint, broken plaster, and holes. No paint that contains lead compounds shall be applied to interior walls or woodwork.
13. All ceiling lighting shall be shielded completely and encased in shatterproof materials.
14. A child care facility shall have a working phone available to all staff at all times. Telephones shall also be available for incoming calls and shall not be unplugged or disconnected during business hours.
15. All fire extinguishers, as required in the fire safety plan, shall be serviced on an annual basis by a qualified fire extinguisher technician.
16. Unused electrical outlets shall be protected by a safety plug cover.
17. All child care facilities are to be kept clean and in good repair.
18. Every child care facility which uses nonelectric heating and/or cooling systems, cooking stoves, and/or hot water heaters or other nonelectric equipment, shall have sufficient carbon monoxide monitors placed appropriately throughout the child care facility.

15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-1.11.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8.