15 Miss. Code. R. 10-76-3.4.15

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-10-76-3.4.15 - Air and Ventilation Requirements

A permanent source of outside air shall be provided for each boiler room to permit satisfactory combustion of fuel as well as proper ventilation of the boiler room under normal operating conditions.

1. The total requirements of the burners for all fired pressure vessels in the boiler room must be used to determine the louver sizes whether fired by coal, oil or gas; however, the minimum net free louvered area must not be less than one square foot. The following table or formula shall be used to determine the net louvered area in square feet:

Input BTU/HourRequired Air Cu.Ft./Min.Min. Net Louvered Area Sq. Ft.
500,000 125 1.0
1,000,000 250 1.0
2,000,000 500 1.6
3,000,000 750 2.5
4,000,000 1000 3.3
5,000,000 1250 4.1
6,000,000 1500 5.0
7,000,000 1750 5.8
8,000,000 2000 6.6
9,000,000 2250 7.5
10,000,000 2500 8.3

(BTU/HR ÷100) X 1.5

60 ÷ 300 = Min. Net Area Req. Sq. Ft.

2. When mechanical ventilation is used in lieu of (a) the supply of combustion and ventilation air to the boiler room and the firing device shall be interlocked with the fan so the firing device will not operate with the fan off. The velocity of the air through the ventilating fan shall not exceed 500 feet per minute, and the total air delivered shall be equal to or greater than shown in (1.).

15 Miss. Code. R. 10-76-3.4.15

Miss. Code Ann. § 45-23-9