13 Miss. Code. R. 7-7.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 13-7-7.1 - Cash and Chip
(a). All games shall be conducted only with the use of chips or approved tokens or other instrumentalities which have been approved by the Executive Director, or with lawful currency or coinage of the United States of America. All table game payout by licensees shall be made in the form of chips, approved tokens, and/or coinage only. Each employee in gaming operations, owner or licensee who receives currency of the United States (other than tips or gratuities) from a patron in the gaming area of a gaming establishment must promptly place the currency in the locked box in the table or, in the case of a cashier, in the appropriate place in the cashiers' cage. For those games which do not have a locked box, the cash or chips shall be placed in an appropriate place on the table, in the cash register or other repository which has been approved by the Executive Director.
(b). No employee, licensee or owner of any gaming establishment may cash for another person the chips of that gaming establishment without immediately returning to the patron the cash, IOU, check, or marker redeemed with the chips.
(c). All chips shall be the standard colors commonly accepted for each denomination within the industry. Those colors are: One dollar ($1.00), white; five dollar ($5.00), red; twenty-five ($25.00), green; one hundred dollars ($100.00), black; and five hundred dollar ($500.00) chips will be purple.
(d). All tips and gratuities in denominations of $5.00 or greater shall be immediately deposited into a locked box reserved for that purpose that is attached to the gaming table, change cart, change belt, wall or other object, as approved by the Commission. Tips and gratuities in denominations less than $5.00 may be maintained next to the tip and gratuity locked box until the time when the sum of the tips and gratuities is equal to $5.00. At which point the tips and gratuities will be converted to $5.00 denomination and immediately deposited into the locked box reserved for that purpose. If non-value chips are received as a gratuity, a supervisor shall witness the immediate conversion of non-value chips to value chips. (Adopted: 04/21/1994; Readopted: 04/29/1995; Amended: 06/15/2006.)

13 Miss. Code. R. 7-7.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 75-76-101