13 Miss. Code. R. 10-3.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 13-10-3.1 - Supplies
(a) Game sheets, packets, cards, pull-tabs, etc. may only be purchased or received by the bingo location from a distributor who has obtained a license from the Gaming Commission.

Source: Miss. Code Ann. §§ 97-33-67(4) and 97-33-69(6).

(b) Bingo locations shall provide bingo cards or paper sheets to the participants for use during sessions. No participants shall be allowed to play on any bingo cards other than what is provided by the bingo location except for those participants who are legally blind. The bingo location is responsible for proper accounting of all game shares sold to legally blind participants.
(c) All game sheets, packets, and cards must be pre-numbered by the manufacturer. An inventory report shall be maintained which indicates the total amount of paper on hand, purchases and set prices for each type of sheet, packet or card. Requests to change the set prices must be approved by the Commission in writing prior to the licensee initiating sales at the new price. Changes can only be implemented on a quarterly basis or after audit of inventory and approved in writing by the Commission. The daily session report will indicate the total amount of paper distributed and the prices of each. The game sheets, cards and any packets may not be cut or altered in any way and must be offered to the participants in the configuration or format as purchased from the distributor.
(d) The bingo location is required to maintain on-site and immediately available for inspection by agents of the Commission all purchase invoices of all bingo supplies.
(e) Detailed inventory records must be maintained on all bingo supplies. These records must be verified by means of a physical count made at least monthly by a member of the charitable organization who is not associated with bingo operations. A record of the physical count must be maintained on-site and immediately available for inspection by agents of the Commission.
(f) The distributor of all gaming supplies shall maintain all sales invoices to bingo locations and provide bingo location's purchase information to the Commission on monthly reports. This would include both sales to charitable organizations and operators. The report must include the name of the bingo location, the date of sale, the type of game supplies, the number imprinted upon those supplies and the cost of those supplies to the charitable organization.

Source: Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-79.

(g) No distributor shall sell, offer to sell, or deliver any charitable bingo product to any bingo location in this State, and no bingo location shall buy or accept delivery of any licensed charitable bingo supplies except on terms of immediate payment, or on terms requiring payment no later than the fifteenth day following that on which actual delivery is made or use of electronic daubers and electronic pull-tab machines have started. If any payment is not made when due, the distributor shall immediately notify the Mississippi Gaming Commission thereof and the Commission may notify all distributors licensed in the state in writing of the default and thereafter no distributor shall sell any charitable bingo products to the bingo location in default on any terms other than immediate payment until otherwise authorized by the Commission.
(h) No manufacturer shall sell, offer to sell or deliver any charitable bingo products to any licensed distributor in this state, and no distributor shall buy or accept delivery of any licensed charitable bingo supplies except on terms on file with the Commission. If any payment is not made when due, the manufacturer shall immediately notify the Commission thereof and the Commission may notify the manufacturers licensed in the state of the default and thereafter no person shall sell any charitable bingo products to the licensed distributor until otherwise authorized by the Commission.
(i) No distributor shall accept payment from any bingo location for any gaming supplies unless that payment is in the form of a check drawn on the charitable organization's separate charitable bingo account.
(j) A charitable organization may not transfer surplus supplies or equipment to another charitable organization except upon written application to the Commission, on forms provided by the Commission, and with written permission of the Commission. Records must be maintained to fully document the transfer and receipt between both organizations.

Source: Miss. Code Ann. § 97-33-107(1).

(k) Charitable organizations and operators must obtain bingo supplies and equipment from distributors licensed by the Commission.
(l) Licensed distributors must obtain bingo supplies and equipment from manufacturers licensed by the Commission.

Source: Miss. Code Ann. §§ 97-33-67(4) and 97-33-79.

13 Miss. Code. R. 10-3.1

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 97-33-67(4) and 97-33-79
Adopted 10/21/2020