12 Miss. Code. R. 6-7.102.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-6-7.102.01 - Options Available to Purchase Commodities and Equipment

When purchasing commodities and/or equipment, the governing authority may follow the procedures set forth as follows:

(1) Follow statutory purchasing procedures set forth in Section 31-7-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated.
(2) Make purchases from contracts executed by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management. These contracts may include competitively bid contracts, negotiated contracts, cooperative contracts, and agency contracts which are deemed to be available to all entities by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management. Purchases made under the terms of this section shall be excepted from the normal bid requirements as per Section 31-7-13(m)(i), Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated.
(3) Purchase the identical commodity or equipment offered on a contract established by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management f rom a vendor other than the one listed on the contract at a price not exceeding the state contract price. Identical shall mean that the product is the same make, model, item number, product code, manufacturer and description as the item on the state contract.

12 Miss. Code. R. 6-7.102.01

Amended 1/1/2018