12 Miss. Code. R. 6-

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-6- - Prior to Opening
(1) As used in this section, "opening" means the date set for opening of bids, receipt of unpriced technical offers in multi-step sealed bidding, or receipt of proposal in competitive sealed proposals.
(2) Prior to opening, a solicitation may be canceled in whole or in part when the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of a purchasing agency determines in writing that such action is in the State's best interest for reasons including but not limited to:
(a) The buying agency no longer requires the supplies, services, or construction;
(b) The buying agency no longer can reasonably expect to fund the procurement; or,
(c) Proposed amendments to the solicitation would be of such magnitude that a new solicitation is desirable.
(3) When a solicitation is canceled prior to opening, notice of cancellation shall be sent to all businesses solicited.
(4) The notice of cancellation shall:
(a) Identify the solicitation;
(b) Briefly explain the reason for cancellation; and
(c) Where appropriate, explain that an opportunity will be given to compete on any re-solicitation or any future procurements of similar supplies, services, or construction.

12 Miss. Code. R. 6-

Adopted 1/1/2018