12 Miss. Code. R. 6-3.101.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-6-3.101.02 - Exemptions Not Requiring Approval

Unless otherwise ordered by regulation of the Public Procurement Review Board (PPRB), the following listed items are exempt from the competitive bid process and do not require approval of the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management except as may be required when submitting an Inventory Deletion Form.

(1) Transactions listed in Section 31-7-13(m), Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated
(2)Transfer, sale, or exchange of personal property between state agencies or between state agencies and governing authorities - (For transfer, sale or exchange of vehicles, see State Fleet Manual.)
(3) Service contracts provided by businesses or persons which do not include the acquisition of a commodity or equipment and which are under the purview of the Office of Personal Service Contract Review
(4) Transportation of items (freight charges) - This exemption shall not apply to the travel contracts established by the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management.
(5) Postage
(6) Workers Compensation Insurance and Personnel Bond required by law
(7) Utilities
(8) Commodities purchased for resale
(9) Highway right-of-way and highway construction contracts governed by specific laws dealing with such contracts
(10) Food and lodging reimbursable on a travel voucher
(11) Maintenance contracts under the purview of the Department of Information Technology Services or the Office of Personal Service Contract Review
(12) Live animals
(13) Textbooks
(14) Library books and other reference materials purchased by or for libraries
(15) Purchases of original artwork and artifacts by museums for public display
(16) Purchases of original artwork (paintings, statues, sculptures, etc.) for public display
(17) Subscriptions
(18) Purchases made from state operated industries such as Mississippi Industries for the Blind.

12 Miss. Code. R. 6-3.101.02

Amended 1/1/2018