12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-800.7

Current through January 14, 2025

The Using Agency should assign staff members directly involved with the construction project (i.e., Physical Plant personnel) or involved with daily purchasing (i.e., Purchasing Department personnel), to assist with a specific Furniture & Equipment Project. The responsible Bureau Staff will work with the assigned Using Agency Staff during the entire Project.

Six (6) months prior to occupancy, the Using Agency should begin compiling a Preliminary List of all anticipated furniture and equipment needs. [See Appendix 800.] This List should be as complete as possible and include:

Preliminary List

* Furniture

1. Furniture: Desks, chairs, tables, shelving, filing cabinets, hospital beds, wardrobes, et al.

* Equipment

2. Equipment: Video, communication, audio, educational, specialties, Location mattresses, et al.


3. Location: Office, classroom, patient, administrative, lobby, clinical.

* Quantity

4. Quantity: Number of each item requested.

* Dimensions

5. Dimensions: 3'x6' executive desk, 3'x15' conference table, regular or legal file cabinets.

* Source

6. Source: Sole source, State Contract, Written Quote, Exemption, Bid.

When preparing the Preliminary List, the Using Agency should divided the items into categories briefly described below:

1. Non-purchasable Items: Office supplies, chemicals, commodities, diskettes, bulletin boards, garbage cans, calculators, typewriters, restocking warehouses, vehicles, copiers, religious objects, et al.
2. Sole Source Items: Items obtained from only one source.
3. State Contract Items: Items contracted by DFA's Office of Purchasing, i.e.: desks, office chairs, modular partitioning, filing cabinets, VCR stands, stackable chairs.
4. Written Quotes: Items under $500.00, or over $500.00 and under $5,000.00.
5. Bid Exemptions: Items exempted from competitive bidding.
6. Bid Items: Items competitively bid.

Each Using Agency's furniture & equipment needs will be reviewed, considered and addressed individually; however, every effort is made to standardize and bring uniformity to furniture & equipment purchased by the Bureau using public funds. The Bureau's positions on Non-purchasable, Sole Source, State Contracts, Written Quotes, Bid Exemptions and Bid Items are based on previous PPRB approvals and current state purchasing laws.

Bureau Staff will review the Preliminary List and return it to the Using Agency with comments. The List should be finalized and approved by both parties.

Special Note: No funds appropriated to the Bureau may be used for rent, lease-purchase or maintenance contracts.

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-800.7

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021