12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-800.13

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-3-20-800.13 - BID ITEMS


Item #



Unit Price



Executive Desk


Wood, contemporary, general purpose, double pedestal, with lock and center drawer; one pedestal to have one file drawer for legal or letter size filing side to side, one box drawer and one reference slide; the other pedestal to have three box drawers and one reference

Specifications will be developed by the Bureau, Using Agency or Professional for items approved for bidding. These specifications must be generic in nature, without bias toward a specific manufacturer or model and written in the Bureau's furniture and equipment format as indicated on the previous page.

It is peil _______________ iissible, in order to establish a standard, to name one (1), or more specific manufacturers and model numbers as examples. However, care should be taken in writing open specifications. Bureau Staff will review all Specifications. If any items specified have been written to limit competitive bidding, the Specifications must be revised.

After review, Specifications will be returned to the Using Agency or Professional for revisions and inclusion of the Bureau's General Condition documents. [See Appendix 800.] When the revisions have been made and the conditions included, the Bureau Staff will make a final review.

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-800.13

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021