12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-700.7

Current through January 14, 2025

Depending upon the size of the Project, the Bureau may request the Professional to hire a full-time Construction Project Representative to be physically present at the Project site during normal construction hours each week. The Professional will provide, select and compensate the Representative upon the approval of the Bureau. The duties of the Construction Project Representative shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Assist the Contractor in obtaining interpretation of the Contract Documents from the Professional
2. Conduct daily on-site inspections to determine conformance with the Contract Documents in regard to Work, Materials, Equipment, etc.
3. Request additional details and/or information from the Professional when needed by the Contractor
4. Evaluate suggestions and/or modifications submitted by the Contractor and transmit these to the Professional with recommendations
5. Anticipate problems, when possible, which may create delays and problems in construction and report these to the Contractor and the Professional for solutions
6. Maintain official relationship only with the General Contractor's Job Superintendent(s) and communicate problems regarding Subcontractors
7. Attend all required construction conferences and participate actively in discussions regarding the Project
8. Conduct tests and inspections authorized by the Professional and as required by the Contract Documents and record results
9. Maintain a daily log of Project activity which include, but are not limited to: hours on the job site, weather conditions, daily construction activity, number of men in each trade on the site, general observations, written and verbal directives to the Contractor and visits of governmental officials
10. If, upon inspection or observation, Work is found not in accordance with Contract Documents, advise the Professional verbally and in writing. Consult with the Professional for directions if the Contractor does not correct the Work
11. See that testing and inspections performed by others are in compliance with Contract Documents
12. When requested, accompany all Using Agency, State of Federal officials on construction inspections and record in the daily log
13. Cooperate with the Bureau Staff Architect and Inspector and provide all requested Project information
14. Maintain in an orderly manner all files, correspondence, reports, shop drawings, samples, Contract Documents, Change Orders, Addenda, supplementary drawings, and daily log
15. Review requisitions for payment submitted by the Contractor and transmit to the Professional with recommendation for payment
16. Participate in construction inspections with the Professional's Project Director, including regular intervals and substantial completion; provide information regarding completed or defective Work
17. Refer all communications from the Using Agency to the Bureau's Staff Architect and Inspector
18. Copy the Bureau's Staff Architect and Inspector on all correspondence relating to the Project
19. Review plans, specifications and shop drawings on a regular basis
20. Advise Contractor and Professional of Work being performed with unapproved shop drawings required by Specifications
21. Check Materials and Equipment delivered to job site against approved specifications, samples, shop drawings and related correspondence; if in conflict, notify Professional
22. Check that Contractor is maintaining record notated drawings of as-built conditions, when as-built drawings are specified
23. When necessary, act as liaison between the Contractor and the Using Agency in coordinating the occupation of the facility

The Construction Project Representative is not authorized to:

1. Authorize deviations from the Contract Documents without approval by the Professional
2. Expedite the Work for the Contractor(s)
3. Advise the Contractor on building techniques or scheduling
4. Approve shop drawings
5. Issue Certificate for Payments
6. Approve substitutions
7. Interpret the Contract Documents except when obviously clear
8. Approve Change Orders

The Construction Project Representative should not:

1. Enter into disputes or problems between Subcontractor and Subcontractor
2. Enter into disputes or problems between General Contractor and Subcontractor
3. Offer gratuitous advice to Contractor or Subcontractor(s) on performance of Work whether solicited or not
4. Communicate with the Using Agency's representative in any official way other than noted above
5. Make vague and unclear log entries as to the Acceptability of the Contractor's Work
6. Order a stoppage of Work except in cases of extreme emergencies

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-700.7

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021