12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-700.18

Current through January 14, 2025

When the Contractor sets up temporary construction facilities and services, he will be expected to meet, or exceed, the requirements established in the current edition of the Standard Building Code. In addition, he shall provide the following:

1.Access: An adequate access and/or roads to the site of the structure; at least one (1) temporary or permanent access to each working elevation.
2.Hoisting Facilities: Suitable capacity and hoisting facilities for all people and materials.
3.Field Office and Sheds: Weatherproof office with telephone.
4.Sanitation Facilities: Temporary toilet facilities.
5.Drinking Water: Drinking water facilities for all workmen, including icing, when required, paper cups, etc., all maintained in a sanitary condition.
6.Fire Protection: Temporary fire protection.
7.Storage: Storage areas to various Subcontractors.
8.Temporary Heat: Heat, fuel and services, as necessary, to protect all work from dampness and cold until final acceptance.
9.Utilities: Furnish water, electricity (lighting and power) and other utilities necessary for construction purposes.

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-700.18

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021