12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-500.10

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-3-20-500.10 - DESIGN CONCEPT

The site analysis, rough sketches and a brief written description of the design concept will be developed (plans and elevations), as well as photographs (snapshots) of the area contiguous to the site. The sketches may be freehand, but must show enough information to illustrate the architectural character of the proposed Project with emphasis on the following characteristics: unity and harmony with the surrounding area and buildings, style of architecture, proportions, exterior facing materials, local zoning requirements, if any, and structural concept of the building.

In general terms, Schematic Design Documents are comprised of single-line drawings translating the space requirements and program requirements into plans, elevations and sections. During this planning phase, the Professional will be furnished topographic and site boundary information on which the proposed building is to be erected, or he will obtain the survey on a reimbursable basis. The Professional will also furnish a cost estimate to remove Hazardous Containing Materials (HCM). Extensive investigation and testing for HCM are not required during the Schematic Document phase. The Professional will comply with those codes set forth in this Manual. [See Section 400.]

After the site analysis/design concept has been approved, the Professional will proceed to complete the Schematic Design submission according to the approved schedule of time and instructions issued by the Bureau.

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-500.10

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021