12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-300.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-3-20-300.5 - IN HOUSE PROJECTS

(modified Dec 2013 SoS)

The Bureau may grant approval to a Using Agency to accomplish a Project in house. If a Using Agency submits a request for an in house Project, it may agree to act as the Professional. Or, in some cases, the Using Agency may request to act as the Contractor. In either case, the Using Agency agrees to follow all procedures and requirements set forth in this Manual.

More specifically, when the Using Agency serves as the Professional, it agrees to the Bureau's approval process which includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Using Agency will submit all design documentation to the Bureau for approval prior to bidding, or solicitation of quotes.
2. All Documents prepared for an in house Project will bear the seal of the responsible Architect or Engineer.
3. The Using Agency may publish the Advertisement for Bids and receive the bids. Or, the Bureau may be requested by the Using Agency to perform this task.
4. If the Project is over $5,000.00 and under $50,000.00 and will not be bid, state purchasing laws must be followed which requires the solicitation of two (2) written quotes by the Using Agency and component breakdown. The Bureau, et al, encourages competitive quotes for even under $5,000.00.
5. All bids received by the Using Agency, or solicited quotes, must be submitted to the monthly PPRB by the Bureau for approval prior to issuance of a Contract.
6. After PPRB approval, the Using Agency will prepare the Contract for the Bureau's signatures and approval. Or, the Bureau may be requested to prepare the Contract by the Using Agency.
7. No fees for Professional services will be paid to the Using Agency.
8. Code 73-13-45 will be followed for requirement of a Professional.

More specifically, when the Using Agency serves as the Contractor, it agrees to the Bureau's approval process which includes, but is not limited to:

1. Bidding documents will be prepared for materials required and the documentation must be approved prior to bidding.
2. Personnel regularly employed by the Using Agency will not be paid.
3. If the Using Agency's personnel performs the work, reimbursement will be made for materials only. [See Section 400 entitled Codes and Policies for details regarding Reimbursements.]

(Note: See also Bureau, et al, web which includes a document entitled "Quote Checklist" which includes some details and Codes regarding bids OR quotes for planning through construction.)

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-300.5

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021