12 Miss. Code. R. 3-2.1-100.8
In past years, the Bureau was required by law to maintain a set of official Minutes recording its actions which resulted from regularly scheduled meetings. Due to reorganization, this is no longer required; however, the Bureau still maintains detailed records of all its official actions. These are available in the Bureau's office for public inspection as per the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983. [Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Section 25-61-1 through 25-61-17 and Section 31-1-27]
Official Bureau actions are prepared regularly on Standard Approval Form - Record of Action documents which are initiated by the Bureau Staff and approved by the Bureau Director. In no instance will an item be official without the written approval of the Bureau's Director. In absence of the Director, the Assistant Director or authorized designee, will approve Bureau actions. The following inexhaustible list indicates actions taken by the Bureau and recorded on these documents:
12 Miss. Code. R. 3-2.1-100.8