Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 4, ch. 3, app Intergovernmental Review Process

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix - Intergovernmental Review Process
1. If the applicant proposes new facilities for construction and/or use, the following agencies shall be consulted prior to the formal submittal of a grant application concerning the proposed site location and the existence of any known or possible archaeological/cultural sites, endangered wildlife, wetlands, shellfish/coastal program impacts:
(a) Mississippi Department of Archives & History (For archaeological/cultural review);
(b) Mississippi Natural Heritage Program (For endangered wildlife review);
(c) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (For wetlands review);
(d) Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (For shellfish/coastal review - Jackson, Harrison, and Hancock County projects only).
2. Where applicable, a written description of the project plan shall be submitted to the agencies listed in this section with a request for written comments and a determination on any required surveys, permits, or other actions.

Documentation of the applicant's request for comments, and any comments received in response to such request, shall be attached with the grant application, as required in Section B.1.c of these regulations.

Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 4, ch. 3, app Intergovernmental Review Process

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 17-17-1, et seq., 49-2-9(1)(b), 49-17-17(i), 17-17-201, et seq., 17-17-401, et seq., 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.