11 Miss. Code. R. 3-5.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 11-3-5.2 - Applicability

The standards adopted herein are applicable to all groundwater aquifers with a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration less than 10,000 mg/l, except those incapable of yielding an adequate volume of water to serve the potable water needs of an average residence using standard well construction and pumping technology. Generally, the soil water (unsaturated zone) and the saturated water found in clay or shale formations (aquitards) do not yield water in sufficient quantities to be used as a potable water supply, and the standards incorporated herein are not intended to apply to such waters. However, some protection or remediation of these waters will be necessary, particularly if it is determined that they may be interconnected with other groundwater and thus impact the chemical quality of that water. Also, it is recognized that the implementation of federal programs such as Subtitle C of the Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) may require the applicability of these or more stringent standards to all groundwater.

11 Miss. Code. R. 3-5.2

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 17-17-1, et seq., 49-2-9 (1)(b), 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.