A variety of records are available on the MDEQ website at http://www.deq.state.ms.us/mdeq.nsf/page/Main_Home?OpenDocument and more specifically http://opc.deq.state.ms.us/default.aspx. Requestors are encouraged to view the documents available on the web-site prior to submitting a records request.
Mail: Freedom of Information Officer
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225
E-mail: FOI_Mail@deq. state.ms.us
Fax: (601) 354-6356
Additional contact and other information can be found on MDEQ's web-site located at http://www.deq.state.ms.us/mdeq.nsf/page/legal_foiaInquiries70penDocument.
1 As a general rule, the more specific a requestor is about a public records request, the more likely MDEQ will be able to locate those records in response to the request. If a request does not reasonably describe the records being requested, the agency's response to the request may be delayed.
11 Miss. Code. R. 1-2.3