10 Miss. Code. R. 402-2.4

Current through September 24, 2024
Rule 10-402-2.4 - Performance Framework

Performance Framework

Applicants must create a performance framework that represents the measures, metrics and indicators of success for the proposed school. The format in which the applicant presents this data is flexible. However, the performance framework must include goals for two areas. The performance framework must contain academic program and governance goals. Include the framework as Attachment S.

Academic goals:

a. student academic proficiency (for all major content areas)

b. student academic growth (for all major content areas)

c. achievement gaps in (major content areas)

a. proficiency and

b. growth between major student subgroups

d. attendance

e. recurrent enrollment from year to year

f. in-school suspension rates (if applicable)

g. out-of-school suspension rates (if applicable)

h. expulsion rates

i. post-secondary readiness (for high schools) that will include the percentage of graduates:

a. submitting applications to post-secondary institutions

b. high school completion

c. postsecondary admission

d. postsecondary enrollment and/ or

e. postsecondary employment

Governance Goals

f. financial performance

g. sustainability

h. board performance

i. stewardship (including compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and terms of the charter contract)

All data concerning student populations must be disaggregated by major student subgroups (gender, race, poverty status, special education status, ELL status, and gifted).

10 Miss. Code. R. 402-2.4

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-28-29