Miss. Code. tit. 10, pt. 201, Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation Additional Items, app 10-201-B

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 10-201-B - Provisional Approval

The Commission may, at its discretion, provisionally approve institutions for participation in SARA in any of the circumstances set forth in the SARA Policy Manual.

An institution admitted to or renewed for SARA participation in provisional status will be subject to the oversight measures that the Commission deems necessary for purposes of ensuring SARA requirements are met. The Commission, in its discretion, may allow the institution a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months from the date of determination that the institution in provisional status does not meet the requirements of SARA to come into compliance with SARA standards under the supervision of the Commission. Should an extension of provisional status exceed one year, the Commission will follow procedures set forth in the SARA Policy Manual.

At the end of the provisional status period, if an institution approved to operate under SARA in provisional status is no longer subject to any of the conditions set forth in the SARA Policy Manual, the Commission shall grant the application if the criteria justifying provisional status no longer apply.

At the end of the provisional status period, if the Commission determines that the institution approved to operate under SARA in provisional status does not meet the requirements of SARA, the Commission may disallow any further enrollments under SARA, notify SREB and NC-SARA, and remove the institution from SARA participation. The Commission may allow any students enrolled in the institution under SARA provisions at the time of the finding of noncompliance a period of six (6) months in which to conclude their work at the institution.

The provisions of Appendix B have been developed to reflect Subsections 3.2 and 3.3 of the SARA Policy Manual.

Miss. Code. tit. 10, pt. 201, Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation Additional Items, app 10-201-B

Adopted 2/19/2024