10 Miss. Code. R. 201-3.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 10-201-3.5 - Application to Operate in Mississippi
A. The Commission may consider applications from out-of-state academic degree-granting postsecondary institutions provided the institution:
a. is authorized by its home state,
b. holds institutional accreditation by a Commission-recognized accrediting agency, and
c. submits a statement of state need that also addresses any duplication in the surrounding areas of the proposed location.
B. Prior to offering instruction, courses, field placements, or degree programs at or above the associate level in the State, the institution or entity shall submit an application to the Commission that includes but is not limited to:
a. Institution charter, articles of incorporation or certificate of authorization, as applicable;
b. Current institution catalog;
c. Student enrollment application;
d. Student contract or agreement;
e. Documentation of institutional accreditation, and licensure and approval by Commission recognized accrediting agencies, state licensing and/or approval boards, and federal agencies;
f. Disclosure of any prior loss or denial of:
i. Accreditation, with the dates and reason for the loss or denial;
ii. Licensure or approval by an agency in Mississippi or another state with the dates and reason for the loss or denial;
g. Disclosure of any former names of the institution with the dates each former name was used;
h. Organizational chart that shows the relationship of the governing board to the institution;
i. The names and experience of board members with terms of office and their contractual, employment, personal, or familial financial interests in the institution;
j. Position description of the chief executive officer and the name, title, mail and email address, and current vita;
k. Position descriptions and current resumes of chief administrative and academic officers, and current vita;
l. Roster of faculty including teaching assignments and qualifications and hiring and evaluation policies, and current vita;
m. Documentation of eligibility to participate in federal financial assistance programs;
n. Tuition and fee schedules;
o. Documentation of financial resources and stability;
p. Documentation of fair and equitable cancellation and withdrawal policies, and tuition refund policies and processes;
q. Documentation evidencing an established, easily accessible, clearly articulated, and comprehensive process for the resolution of student complaints/grievances;
r. Requirements for each degree program, including representative course syllabi, specifying information such as goals, requirements, and procedures; course content; methods of evaluation; information concerning learning resources;
s. Documentation of catastrophic events policy and disaster recovery plans and procedures. They should cover emergencies and conditions such as natural disasters, cyber threats, pandemic, or other health-related closures; and explanation of how the institution will assure that students who are affected by such closures will receive the services for which they have paid or reasonable financial compensation for those not received, as well as adequate processes for protection, management, and maintenance of student records in the event of a closure;
t. List all states the institution is operating in;
u. Information about Mississippi residents enrolled in its program(s);
v. List all programs/courses you plan to offer including the implementation date;
w. Documentation of the process which establishes that the student who registers in a distance education program or course is the same student participating in completing the program or course and receiving academic credit. The institution meets this requirement if (a) student uses a secure login and passcode, or (b) the institution schedules proctored exams, or (c) the institution uses new technologies and practices that verify the student's identity during testing. Unless otherwise provided, all institution policies and guidelines for on and off campus instruction apply to distance education.
x. Documentation that the institution has approval from the appropriate state licensing and/or approval board or agency responsible for professional requirements, if the institution is seeking approval to offer courses, field placements, or programs potentially leading to professional licensure or certification or related to pre- or post-licensure educational activities. The institution is responsible for contacting the applicable Mississippi state licensing boards and/or approval agencies directly regarding those boards/agencies' particular requirements, if any.
y. Other information, documentation, and reports as requested by the Commission.
z. Nursing clinicals are exempt from the above application materials. However, you should contact the IHL Director of Regulatory Affairs and the IHL Director of Nursing Education for additional information.

Registration with the Mississippi Secretary of State (SOS) is required; however, such registration alone does not constitute state authorization or approval to grant degrees or offer courses and programs or instruction leading to academic degrees.

C. The Commission will not consider a college or university or other entity that, in the two (2) years preceding submission of an application, has had its accreditation suspended or withdrawn or has been prohibited from operating in another state or that has substantially the same owners, governing board, or principal officers as a college, university, or other entity.
D. Authorization will be reviewed annually and a list of institutions and their relationship to the Commission shall be published annually after July 1.
E. Application Process
a. Submit a written request for an application along with a nonrefundable fee of $100 to the Commission. The Commission will electronically mail an application packet upon receipt of the nonrefundable fee.

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation

3825 Ridgewood Road

Jackson, MS 39211

b. Submit a complete application to the Commission office no later than 12 days prior to the Commission's meeting to the above address along with a nonrefundable $3,000 application fee and all required documentation.
c. Apply to the Mississippi Secretary of State (SOS) for articles of incorporation or certificate of authority and submit documentation to the Commission.
d. The Commission may assemble an evaluation team to review the application and/or make a site visit to applicant institution at the expense of the applicant institution.
e. The Commission will consider complete applications at its regular, called, and/or annual meeting.
f. The Commission may deny, approve, approve on conditional status.
g. Institutions are reviewed annually, and there is an annual renewal fee to out-of-state institutions where Mississippi is not the home state.

10 Miss. Code. R. 201-3.5

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-101-241 (1972, as amended).
Amended 9/24/2015
Amended 6/12/2023
Amended 2/19/2024