Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 10-201-3.12 - Penalties, Limitations, Administrative InjunctionA. The Commission shall take whatever action against colleges and universities or other entities it deems appropriate for violation of standards, regulations, policies, provisions, and procedures. The Commission may deny or revoke approval, place on probation, suspend enrollment, seek an injunction or other action provided by law for any one or combination of the following causes: a. violation of Commission standards, rules and regulations, policies, provisions, and procedures;b. the furnishing of false, misleading, or incomplete information requested by the Commission;c. violation of any commitment made in an application for approval;d. presentation to current or prospective students of misleading, false or fraudulent information relating to a course of instruction, employment opportunity, or opportunities for enrollment in accredited institutions of higher education after entering or completing courses offered by the institution;e. failure to provide or maintain premises or equipment for offering courses or instruction in a safe and sanitary condition;f. failure to maintain financial resources and stability adequate for the satisfactory conduct of courses of study or to retain a sufficient number of qualified faculty;g. the signing of an application or the holding of authorization by a person who has pleaded guilty or has been found guilty of a felony or any other indictable offense;h. the signing of an application or the holding of authorization by a person who is addicted to the use of any narcotic drug or who is found to be mentally incompetent; i. conviction or a plea of nolo contendere on the part of any owner, CEO, operator, or director of an approved institution of any felony under Mississippi law or the law of another jurisdiction;j. continued employment of faculty who have been convicted of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, any felony under Mississippi law or the law of another jurisdiction;k. applicant was an owner, senior administrator, or governing board member of an institution that closed without providing a teach-out or refunds to students matriculating at the time of closure or had unpaid fees upon a closure of an institution; andl. incompetence of any owner or administrator to operate a college or university.B. The Commission may consider probation or other action for an institution subject to investigative, show-cause or disciplinary action by the Commission, an accrediting agency, or other state or federal agency. The institution may remain in probation or other status and be subject to additional monitoring and oversight until such time as the Commission determines that the adverse action has been corrected or lifted and the deficiency corrected, but no longer than eighteen months.C. The Commission shall serve notice by registered mail to the institution's last known address, together with a statement of the reason(s) for the action.10 Miss. Code. R. 201-3.12