1 Miss. Code. R. 10-2.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 1-10-2.8 - Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Secretary of State may, by written order, refer this matter at any time for alternative dispute resolution. In addition, if the Secretary of State or his designee does not render a final determination on a complaint filed under this rule within 90 days after the complaint is filed, or within any extension period to which the complainant has consented, the Secretary of State or his designee will, on or before the 5 th business day after the final determination was due to be issued, by order initiate alternative dispute resolution. A copy of this order shall be provided to the Complainant and the Respondent.

The Secretary of State shall maintain a list of approved arbitrators to be used in these proceedings and from which arbitration panel members must be selected.

The written order provided for in this rule shall designate an arbitrator to serve on a panel to resolve the complaint. Within 3 business days after the Complainant receives this designation, the Complainant shall designate in writing to the Secretary of State the name of a second arbitrator. No later than 3 business days after designation by the Respondent of the second arbitrator, the two arbitrators so designated shall select a third arbitrator, to complete the panel.

As an alternative, the Secretary of State may retain a single, independent, professionally qualified person to act as an arbitrator, if the complainant consents in writing to his appointment as the arbitrator at the time of his appointment.

The arbitrator or arbitration panel may review the record compiled with the complaint, including the tape recording or any transcript of a hearing, if a hearing was requested and held, and any written or documentary evidence compiled by the Secretary of State's Office. The arbitrator or panel may request the parties present additional briefs or memoranda. The arbitrator or panel may conduct the hearing as prescribed in Rule 2.6 if no such hearing was held.

The arbitrator, or arbitration panel by majority vote, shall determine the appropriate resolution of the complaint by majority vote.

The arbitrator or panel shall issue a written resolution within 60 days after the issuance of the written order required in this rule, which period shall not be extended. The final resolution shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State and shall be the final resolution of the complaint. The Secretary of State shall mail the final resolution of the arbitrator or panel to the Complainant, each Respondent and any other interested person who has asked in writing to be advised of the final determination. It shall also be published on the Secretary of State's website at www.sos.ms.gov

The final determination of the arbitrator or arbitration panel is binding upon all the parties involved in the dispute and shall not be subject to appeal to any state or federal court.

1 Miss. Code. R. 10-2.8

Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-169; 52 U.S.C. § 21112.
Amended 6/10/2018