Minn. R. agency 200, ch. 2150, CONTINUING EDUCATION, pt. 2150.2580

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025

An individual may apply for continuing education hours for the activities in items A to F in addition to the activities approved under part 2150.2540.

A. Teaching a course at an institution by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) or from an institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). To qualify for continuing education credit, the course must fall within one of the ten content areas specified by Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.53, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), as determined by the board. Continuing education hours may be earned only for the first time the licensee teaches the course. Ten continuing education hours may be earned for each semester credit hour taught. Acceptable documentation is verification from the dean or head of the department of the institution that the licensee taught the course content for the first time and of the number of credits, units, or hours assigned by the institution.
B. Authoring, editing, producing, or reviewing in the area of professional counseling. Continuing education hours may be earned only in the year of publication. The maximum hours earned are as follows:
(1) author of a professional book, 30 hours. Acceptable documentation is a copy of the title page and any other pages needed to indicate the date of publication;
(2) author of a professional book chapter or peer-reviewed journal article, 25 hours. Acceptable documentation is the table of contents showing the title and author and any other pages needed to indicate the date of publication;
(3) editor of a professional book or peer-reviewed journal, 20 hours. Acceptable documentation is a copy of the title page and any other pages needed to indicate the date of publication; and
(4) journal article peer review, two hours per manuscript. For this unit only, continuing education hours may be earned in the year the review is received by the editor. Acceptable documentation is a letter from the editor verifying the review has been provided.
C. Presentations at workshops, seminars, symposia, meetings of professional organizations, or postgraduate institutes. The presentation must be related to professional counseling. A presenter may claim one hour of continuing education for each hour of presentation time. A presenter may also receive continuing education hours for development time at the rate of three hours for each hour of presentation time. Continuing education hours may be earned only for the licensee's first presentation on the subject developed. Acceptable documentation of completion is a printed program or agenda. One presentation hour equals three continuing education hours. Continuing education hours may be earned only for the licensee's first presentation of the content.
D. Acting as:
(1) a board member of a major state or national professional counseling organization or a member of a committee of such an organization;
(2) a board member of a national counselor certification board;
(3) a board member of a state counseling licensure/certification board; or
(4) the chair of a major counseling conference or convention.

Continuing education hours may be claimed for actual meeting time only, on a per-hour basis up to 20 hours per reporting period. Acceptable documentation is a letter from the board's executive director or equivalent attesting to the hours spent in service to the board.

E. Individually designed continuing education activity. Licensees may submit proposals for continuing education activities that do not meet other guidelines established in this part. No more than one-fourth of the required 40 continuing education hours may be earned by this method. The proposal request must include the following:
(1) the rationale for pursuing an individually designed activity;
(2) specific goals and objectives, and an explanation of how the goals and objectives are related to the enhancement of the licensee's professional skills;
(3) an outline of the topics to be covered;
(4) a description of related resources and activities;
(5) the proposed documentation of completion of activity; and
(6) the estimate of time to be expended on the activity and the number of continuing education hours requested. The board shall make the final decision in the number of hours credited for completion of such activity.
F. Taking and passing for credit a graduate level course in counseling from a counseling program recognized by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) or from an institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Acceptable documentation is an academic transcript showing graduate credits earned. A licensee may receive 15 continuing education hours per semester credit hour or ten continuing education hours per quarter credit hour.

Minn. R. agency 200, ch. 2150, CONTINUING EDUCATION, pt. 2150.2580

29 SR 1605; 31 SR 325
47 SR 960

Statutory Authority: MS s 14.389; 148B.52