Subpart 1.Agency training plan.The local agency shall have an annual training plan for child protection workers. The plan must include:
A. the subject areas to be covered;B. the methods of providing training, such as in service programs, workshops, or college courses; andC. the number of hours of training to be provided.Subp. 2. [Repealed, 25 SR 1772]Subp. 3.Individual training plan.The local agency shall develop and approve an individual training plan for each child protection worker that meets the criteria in items A to C:
A. the training is relevant to providing child protective services. Relevant training topics include: (1) the training areas specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 626.559, subdivision 2;(2) permanency planning for children; and(3) other subject areas related to protecting children from maltreatment and providing child protective services;B. the plan is developed in consultation with the individual child protection worker and based on identified areas of knowledge and skills to be developed; andC. the plan provides for at least 15 credit hours of training per year.Subp. 4.Credit hours.A credit hour of training is based on a clock hour of instruction. Up to one-half of required training hours may be earned by teaching a course approved by the department. One hour of teaching earns two credit hours.
Subp. 5.Training record.The local agency shall maintain a record of training completed by each child protection worker, including:
B. the instructors' names;C. the dates and times of the training;D. the number of credit hours earned; andE. local agency documentation of successful completion of the training.Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9560, PROTECTIVE SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, pt. 9560.0234
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.388; 256.01; 256E.05; 257.175; 393.07; 626.556