Professional home-based family treatment services must be available to a child who is at risk of out-of-home placement, who is in out-of-home placement due to the child's emotional disturbance, or who is returning to the home from out-of-home placement. The services must be an appropriate alternative to residential treatment and must provide intensive, time-limited intervention to help the child and the child's family learn the skills necessary to keep the child within the home and community. The professional home-based family treatment services must be provided as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4884, subdivision 3. Additionally, if the child receiving the professional home-based mental health services is eligible for medical assistance, the services must comply with the requirements of part 9505.0324.
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9535, FAMILY COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICE, pt. 9535.4059
Statutory Authority: MS s 245.484