Independent living skills services including transition services to a child must be designed to assist the child to develop the skills needed to remain and participate with others in the child's family, child care setting, school, place of employment, if any, community, and in recreational or social activities. Services must address skills that are appropriate for the child's age.
Assistance in developing independent living skills may include a variety of methods or strategies appropriate to the child's developmental age that help children with severe emotional disturbance carry out the tasks of daily living, develop a positive regard for self, problem solve, learn skills to advocate on their own behalf, and make transitions to community resources in order to secure, maintain, and support employment and make educational choices.
Services may be provided in individual or group settings as specified in the individual family community support plan or other plan required in part 9535.4020, subpart 10.
If a child who is at least 14 years of age receives independent living skills services or transition services from more than one provider, or as part of the child's individualized education program, the family community support providers must attempt to coordinate the child's services with the other providers and with the child's school in order to avoid duplicating services, assure the child's access to needed services, and make transitions between education and employment.
For purposes of this part, "transition services" means a set of activities to promote movement from school to postschool activities, including postsecondary education when applicable, vocational training, integrated employment, including supported employment, continuing and adult education, and independent living skills. Independent living skills are based on individual needs, taking into account a child's preferences and interests, and must include instruction, community experience, and the development of employment and other postschool adult living objectives.
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9535, FAMILY COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICE, pt. 9535.4044
Statutory Authority: MS s 245.484