The persons assigned by or under contract with the local agency to provide family community support services to a child shall use a process designed to assist the child with severe emotional disturbance to pursue the outcomes of the child's improved or maintained functioning and mental health and the child's remaining with the child's family in the community. To assist the child to meet these outcomes, family community support services must be provided in a manner consistent with the mission of the Minnesota comprehensive children's mental health act as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 245.487, subdivision 3, and the outcomes of case management services as specified in part 9520.0904. Additionally, a child's family community support services must be designed to:
A. assist the child and the child's family to achieve the outcomes identified in the plan required for the child under part 9535.4020, subpart 10, and the service priorities agreed to by the child, the child's parent, and the service provider. The plan must be consistent with the outcomes of family community support services as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4884, subdivision 1. These outcomes are to improve the ability of the child to: (1) manage basic activities of daily living;(2) function appropriately in home, school, and community settings;(3) participate in leisure time or community youth activities;(5) reside with the family in the community; and(6) participate in after-school and summer activities;B. assist the child to make a smooth transition among mental health, vocational rehabilitation, and education services;C. ensure that the state and local agencies providing transition services to the child work together so the child has the opportunity to access vocational rehabilitation and educational services that will assist the child to live and function independently within the community;D. at least six months before the 18th birthday of a child who is not receiving case management services under parts 9520.0900 to 9520.0926, assist the child and, as appropriate, the child's parent or legal representative in assessing the child's need to receive case management services to adults with serious and persistent mental illness, community support services, and other mental health services;E. improve overall family functioning if clinically appropriate to the child's needs;F. assist the child to live in families or settings that offer a safe, permanent relationship with nurturing parents or caretakers; andG. for the child whose best interest is to reside away from the child's own home, ensure the continuation of family community support services appropriate to the child's mental health needs in a setting as similar to and as geographically near the child's family and community as feasible.Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9535, FAMILY COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICE, pt. 9535.4030
Statutory Authority: MS s 245.484