Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY, pt. 9505.0140

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Subpart 1.Access to medically necessary services.

The local agency shall ensure that a service listed in items A to C is available to a medical assistance recipient to enable the recipient to obtain a medically necessary health service. The local agency shall pay directly for these services and may charge them to the medical assistance program administrative account for reimbursement. The services are:

A. Sign language interpreter, if a person who is deaf, deafblind, or hard-of-hearing must have an interpreter in order to receive health services from a provider with fewer than 15 employees.
B. Transportation by volunteer driver, common carrier, or contract for service, or direct mileage reimbursement to the recipient or the recipient's driver. The mileage reimbursement must be at the rate specified in part 9505.0065, subpart 5, item D. Parking fees must be reimbursed at actual cost.
C. Meals and lodging necessary to obtain health services. Direct payment or reimbursement to a vendor or to the recipient for the cost of the recipient's meals and lodging necessary to obtain health services eligible for medical assistance reimbursement must be the lesser of the actual cost of the lodging and meals or the standard for lodging and meals established under Minnesota Statutes, section 43A.18, subdivision 2.
D. Meals, lodging, and transportation costs of a responsible relative or other person to accompany or be present with the recipient at the site of health services. When a responsible relative or another individual is needed to accompany the recipient or to be present with the recipient at the site of a health service medically necessary for the recipient, the accompanying individual must be reimbursed for the cost of his or her meals, transportation, and lodging based on the standard for the recipient.
Subp. 2.Local agency procedure to ensure access.

By March 22, 1987, and every two years after, the local agency shall submit to the department a transportation plan that specifies the means the local agency will use to meet the requirements of subpart 1. The department shall review the plan and advise the local agency whether it meets the requirements of subpart 1. The local agency shall inform a recipient of the county's transportation plan. A local agency may require prior approval of the payments of costs in subpart 1 if exceptions are made for emergencies and retroactive eligibility.

Subp. 3.Local agency procedure to ensure access to hearings.

A local agency shall reimburse applicants and recipients for reasonable and necessary expenses of their attendance at hearings held pursuant to part 9505.0130, subpart 1, such as child care and transportation costs.

Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY, pt. 9505.0140

11 SR 1069; L 2013 c 62 s 32

Statutory Authority: MS s 256B.04