Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, EARLY AND PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT, pt. 9505.1696

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 9505.1696 - DEFINITIONS
Subpart 1.Applicability.

As used in parts 9505.1693 to 9505.1748, the following terms have the meanings given them.

Subp. 2.Child.

"Child" means a person who is eligible for early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment under part 9505.1699.

Subp. 3.Community health clinic.

"Community health clinic" means a clinic that provides services by or under the supervision of a physician and that:

A. is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 317A;
B. is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code of 1986, section 501(c)(3), as amended through December 31, 1987;
C. is established to provide health services to low-income population groups; and
D. has written clinic policies describing the services provided by the clinic and concerning (1) the medical management of health problems, including problems that require referral to physicians, (2) emergency health services, and (3) the maintenance and review of health records by the physician.
Subp. 4.Department.

"Department" means the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Subp. 5.Diagnosis.

"Diagnosis" means the identification and determination of the nature or cause of a disease or abnormality through the use of a health history; physical, developmental, and psychological examination; and laboratory tests.

Subp. 6.Early and periodic screening clinic or EPS clinic.

"Early and periodic screening clinic" or "EPS clinic" means an individual or facility that is approved by the Minnesota Department of Health under parts 4615.0900 to 4615.2000.

Subp. 7.Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program or EPSDT program.

"Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program" or "EPSDT program" means the program that provides screening, diagnosis, and treatment under parts 9505.1693 to 9505.1748; Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 441.55, as amended through October 1, 1986; and Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.02, subdivision 8, paragraph (12).

Subp. 8.EPSDT clinic.

"EPSDT clinic" means a facility supervised by a physician that provides screening according to parts 9505.1693 to 9505.1748 or an EPS clinic.

Subp. 9.EPSDT provider agreement.

"EPSDT provider agreement" means the agreement required by part 9505.1703, subpart 2.

Subp. 10.EPSDT screening form.

"EPSDT screening form" means a form supplied by the department that contains the information required under part 9505.1709.

Subp. 11.Follow-up.

"Follow-up" means efforts by a local agency to ensure that a screening requested for a child is provided to that child and that diagnosis and treatment indicated as necessary by a screening are also provided to that child.

Subp. 12.Head Start agency.

"Head Start agency" refers to the child development program administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Administration for Children, Youth and Families.

Subp. 13.Local agency.

"Local agency" means the county welfare board, multicounty welfare board, or human service agency established in Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.02, subdivision 6, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 393.

Subp. 14.Medical assistance.

"Medical assistance" means the program authorized by title XIX of the Social Security Act and Minnesota Statutes, chapters 256 and 256B.

Subp. 15.Outreach.

"Outreach" means efforts by the department or a local agency to inform eligible persons about early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment or to encourage persons to use the EPSDT program.

Subp. 16.Parent.

"Parent" refers to the genetic or adoptive parent of a child.

Subp. 17.Physician.

"Physician" means a person who is licensed to provide health services within the scope of the person's profession under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 147.

Subp. 18.Prepaid health plan.

"Prepaid health plan" means a health insurer licensed and operating under Minnesota Statutes, chapters 60A, 62A, and 62C, and a health maintenance organization licensed and operating under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 62D to provide health services to recipients of medical assistance entitlements.

Subp. 19.Public health nursing service.

"Public health nursing service" means the nursing program provided by a board of health under Minnesota Statutes, section 145A.10, subdivision 1.

Subp. 20.Screening.

"Screening" means the use of quick, simple procedures to separate apparently well children from those who need further examination for possible physical, developmental, or psychological problems.

Subp. 21.Skilled professional medical personnel and supporting staff.

"Skilled professional medical personnel" and "supporting staff" means persons as defined by Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 432.2, as amended through October 1, 1987.

Subp. 22.Treatment.

"Treatment" means the prevention, correction, or amelioration of a disease or abnormality identified by screening or diagnosis.

Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, EARLY AND PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT, pt. 9505.1696

13 SR 1150; L 1989 c 304 s 137

Statutory Authority: MS s 256B.04; 256B.0625