Within ten working days of admitting a resident, the license holder must develop an individual treatment plan that supports achieving the outcomes in items A and B.
A. The development and content of the plan are consistent with the requirements in Minnesota Statutes, sections 245.4871, subdivision 21, and 245.4876, subdivision 3.B. The plan is based on the diagnostic and functional assessments required in Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4885, subdivision 1, and reflects the resident's age or level of development and any other assessments completed by the license holder or provided by other agencies such as the county, a mental health center or other community agency, and the Minnesota state Departments of Health; Human Services; Education; and Corrections.C. If the resident is placed in a locked setting for mental health treatment, the resident must be screened according to Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4885, and have a diagnostic assessment according to Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4876, subdivision 2.Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 2960, CERTIFICATION STANDARDS; RESIDENTIAL MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN WITH SEVERE EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE, pt. 2960.0600
Statutory Authority: L 1995 c 226 art 3 s 60; MS s 241.021; 245A.03; 245A.09