Minn. R. agency 179, ch. 7900, ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS, pt. 7900.0200

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Subpart 1.Biennial election.

The procedure for the biennial election of the four state employee members of the board of directors as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 352.03, and laws amendatory thereof, shall be as in subparts 2 to 5.

Subp. 2.Nominations.

Any employee covered by the system who desires to be a candidate for membership on the board of directors shall file a nominating petition signed by ten employees covered by the system with the executive director of the system not later than October 1 of each odd-numbered year. A candidate may not withdraw candidacy after October 15. If the employees whose names are filed are eligible for election or reelection as members of the board of directors as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 352.03, and laws amendatory thereof, their names and the names of the department in which they are employed shall be printed upon the ballots sent to employees covered by the system as provided in subparts 2 and 4. The name of any employee covered by the system may be written in on the ballot provided for that purpose.

Subp. 3.Election materials.

By February 5 of each even-numbered year the executive director shall conduct an election under procedures approved by the board of directors. A notice of election shall be sent to all active employees eligible to vote along with instructions and materials necessary to cast a vote. All voting notices, materials, and procedures must be approved by the board of directors before October 1 prior to the election.

Subp. 4.Voting.

Employees participating in the election shall cast their votes by indicating their choice of candidates in accordance with the voting instructions prescribed for the balloting procedure determined by the board of directors.

The board of directors must approve a voting procedure to make sure an employee may only vote once. Votes must be cast by any time up to midnight on March 1 in each even-numbered year or, if March 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, cast any time up to midnight or received up to the close of office hours on the following Monday of each even-numbered year, provided instructions prescribed have been complied with.

Subp. 5.Verification.

The name and election authorization number shall be checked against a computerized representation of active employees covered by the system, the cast vote shall be noted as "eligible," and if the name of the employee does not appear thereon, the cast vote shall be noted as "not eligible." At 8:00 a.m. on the third Thursday in March in even-numbered years, three tellers appointed by the board of directors shall meet and verify employees as eligible to vote and to ensure proper counting of votes.

Subp. 6.Tabulation.

After the verification required in subpart 5 is completed, the votes shall be tabulated by the tellers. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be the elected members of the board of directors for terms of four years as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 352.03, subdivision 1. In the case of a tie vote as to any candidates, the election shall be resolved by lot.

Minn. R. agency 179, ch. 7900, ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS, pt. 7900.0200

16 SR 1647; 18 SR 1223; 26 SR 977

Statutory Authority: MS s 352.03