The "out-of-service vehicle" sticker used by the Minnesota Department of Transportation must contain the following statement:
"Out-of-service vehicle. This vehicle has been declared out of service by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. This vehicle must not be operated until repaired. This sticker may be removed only under the conditions stated on the out-of-service notice. The person responsible for unauthorized removal is liable to penalty under Minnesota Statutes, section 221.291. A person shall not remove this sticker or operate this vehicle until the repairs listed below are completed."
The "out-of-service vehicle" sticker must contain space for the motor transportation representative or hazardous material specialist to describe the mechanical condition requiring the vehicle to be declared out of service.
The sticker must contain the following information:
The "out-of-service vehicle" stickers must be serially numbered.
Minn. R. agency 175, ch. 8850, pt. 8850.8500
Statutory Authority: MS s 221.031; 221.141