In case the body of water to be used for landing and taking off is under the jurisdiction of any federal, state, municipal port or other authority, the operations on such body of water shall be in conformity with the marine traffic rules and regulations of such authority, to the extent that such rules and regulations do not interfere with the safe operations of aircraft.
The license issued to a seaplane base shall apply to the land area from which operations are conducted. Where two or more bases located on the same body of water are under different ownership or control, each base shall obtain a separate seaplane base license.
A "public seaplane base" is a public airport as defined in part 8800.0100. The use of a body of water for a public seaplane base does not impair or deny the right of the public to the use of these public waters.
A public seaplane base shall be granted a license when it has shown it has met the general provisions of parts 8800.1400 and 8800.1500 and the minimum requirements of this part.
The body of water shall have a minimum usable length of at least one mile and shall be of sufficient width and depth to permit the safe operation of aircraft on the surface. All approaches to the landing area shall be sufficiently clear of obstructions to permit a 20:1 glide angle to the nearest point of the usable landing area, provided that if any structure on the land is located within 300 feet of the centerline of the approach path, such glide angle shall be computed so as to provide a clearance of at least 100 feet above such structure.
The outline of that part of the area available for landing, takeoff, and taxiing when required in the interest of safety, shall be marked. All hazards, including underwater obstructions in the landing, approach, departure, and taxi areas shall be marked. All such markers shall be constructed of a durable material and in such a manner so as to be clearly visible from traffic pattern altitude.
Each public seaplane base must be equipped with a wind sock 3 feet by 12 feet, blaze orange in color, which must be operable and clearly visible from the pattern altitude when within one mile of the seaplane base during daylight hours. If night operations are conducted at the base, the wind sock must be lighted.
A dock or float, suitable for the loading and unloading of seaplanes, shall be so located as to afford the maximum degree of operational safety.
A ramp, or equivalent substitute, for beaching of aircraft, shall be provided. Tie down or storage area shall be so arranged that the ramp is normally clear for the beaching of incoming aircraft.
A sanitary public facility shall be provided at all public seaplane bases, except where it can be demonstrated that it is impracticable to install such facility. An enclosed portable chemical toilet, properly maintained and serviced shall be acceptable.
When feasible, a telephone should be made available for public use. Telephone numbers for the appropriate flight service station, for emergency assistance, and for aircraft servicing will be prominently posted.
A weather-protected bulletin board shall be prominently located on the seaplane base. Posted thereon shall be the seaplane base license, safety and traffic rules, and an area map showing danger or restricted areas.
Beaching or mooring facilities must be provided for at least three more seaplanes than regularly use the facilities.
At least one life preserver shall be immediately available for use at all times.
A boat and operable motor must be immediately available for use at all times that the seaplane base is attended.
An adequate supply of lines for heaving, towing, securing, and rescue operations shall be kept available.
All fuel dispensed at the public seaplane base for aircraft use must be filtered to be free of solid matter in excess of five microns particle size and to have a free water content less than 30 parts per million parts of fuel.
At least one properly maintained fire extinguisher shall be available in the vicinity of the fuel pump or at the ramp or dock. It must be a minimum of 20 B. rating or equivalent.
Minn. R. agency 175, ch. 8800, AIRPORTS, pt. 8800.1700
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.388; 360.015; 360.018; 360.03; 360.90