Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, WASTE COMBUSTORS, pt. 7011.1282

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Subpart 1.Criteria for a certified municipal waste combustor examiner.

To be certified as a certified municipal waste combustor examiner, employment claimed on the individual's application for certification must be verified by the individual's supervisor or personnel officer and the individual must:

A. hold a current certificate as defined in part 7011.1280, subpart 1;
B. document a total of 60 months satisfactory employment experience in general industry, of which 36 months were at the level of a chief facility operator or shift supervisor, as defined in part 7011.1201, subparts 8 and 44, at a municipal waste combustor;
C. be currently employed by a municipal waste combustor owner;
D. possess a bachelor degree in engineering or a related field, or a Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry boiler license of chief engineer, Grade A or B;
E. pass an oral examination as described in subpart 3; and
F. identify the waste combustor facility for which the applicant seeks certification as a certified municipal waste combustor examiner.
Subp. 2.Certification process for a certified municipal waste combustor examiner.
A. When the commissioner determines that the applicant has submitted a complete application, and has determined that the applicant has demonstrated a satisfactory compliance history as an operator at a municipal waste combustor, the commissioner shall schedule an oral examination of the applicant.
B. The commissioner shall issue a certificate to the applicant who successfully completes the examination process of subpart 3. The certified municipal waste combustor examiner's certificate is site-specific, and is not transportable. The certificate shall expire five years after its issue date unless renewed. Each certificate shall contain the following information:
(1) identification as a certified municipal waste combustor examiner certificate;
(2) the certified individual's full name; and
(3) the name and location of the facility for which certification is given.
Subp. 3.Examination for certified municipal waste combustor examiner.
A. The commissioner shall convene a board of examiners to conduct an oral examination of a certified municipal waste combustor examiner applicant.
B. The examination for certified municipal waste combustor examiner shall:
(1) test understanding of the content and procedures described in the waste combustor's operating manual that is required to be prepared for the facility by part 7011.1275, subpart 3;
(2) test comprehensive understanding of the duties of a certified examiner described in part 7011.1283 and how the applicant is prepared to carry out these duties; and
(3) require the applicant to describe the waste combustor facility's program for examining and awarding full certification, and describe how this program incorporates the requirements of parts 7011.1283 and 7011.1284.

The board of examiners shall evaluate applicants for certified municipal waste combustor examiner based on the applicant's technical knowledge and understanding of integrated plant operations. An applicant's responses shall be graded as pass or fail. All members of the board of examiners must pass the applicant if the certification is to be granted.

C. The board of examiners consists of three members. The three members are a member of the municipal waste combustor industry, a member who is or has been employed at a power operation facility using combustion or air pollution control technologies comparable to the facility where the applicant is employed, and a member able to discharge the functions of the board of examiners, under the conditions specified by the commissioner.

The commissioner may appoint additional board members if the facility for which the applicant seeks certification is complex and the commissioner determines that additional examiners will help the board determine the applicant's technical knowledge, problem-solving ability, and understanding of plant operations.

Additional Pollution Control Agency representatives, a representative from the facility, a representative of an industry trade group, or a member of the public shall be allowed by the commissioner to observe the examination.

Subp. 4.Renewal.

The commissioner shall issue renewal certified examiner certificates when an individual submits a written request to renew the certificate at least 30 days before the expiration of the certificate.

If changes are made in equipment and/or operating procedures which the initial certification did not address, the individual shall submit written evidence that the change has been made, the individual has been trained, and the on-site certification program has been amended to include the changes. The individual shall also submit evidence that the individual has, during the life of the certified municipal waste combustor operator certificate, maintained the individual's certification as required in part 7011.1280. If the individual applies for certificate renewal after the certified municipal waste combustor examiner certificate has expired, the commissioner shall schedule an examination according to part 7011.1282, subpart 3.

Subp. 5.Sanctions.

The conditions of part 7011.1280, subpart 9, apply to any sanctions taken by the commissioner.

Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, WASTE COMBUSTORS, pt. 7011.1282

22 SR 1975; 41 SR 763

Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07