The waste combustor owner or operator shall prepare a plan for the management of industrial solid wastes in accordance with part 7035.2535, subpart 5, items A and B. The plan must also include the contents listed in subpart 2. The owner or operator shall submit the plan to the commissioner with the waste combustor's permit application.
The plan must address how the following additional categories of solid waste will be managed to comply with the requirements of part 7035.2535, subpart 5, item A, subitems (2) to (4), as well as state whether each of the following solid wastes will be accepted at the facility:
The owner or operator shall modify the industrial waste management plan whenever the management practices or solid wastes identified in the plan have changed. The owner or operator shall submit the amended plan to the commissioner for approval.
Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, WASTE COMBUSTORS, pt. 7011.1250
Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07