Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, WASTE COMBUSTORS, pt. 7011.1201

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 7011.1201 - DEFINITIONS

Subpart 1.Scope.

As used in parts 7007.0200, 7007.0250, 7007.0501, 7007.0801, and 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, the following words have the meanings defined in this part.

Subp. 1a.Statutes and other rules.

The definitions in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.06, and in part 7001.0010 and chapters 7005, 7007, 7009, 7011, 7017, and 7019 apply to terms in parts 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, unless the terms are specifically otherwise defined in this part.

Subp. 2. [Repealed, 18 SR 2584]
Subp. 3. [Repealed, 18 SR 2584]
Subp. 4. [Repealed, 18 SR 2584]
Subp. 5.Accurate and valid data.

"Accurate and valid data" means data which provides the measurement of emissions of an air contaminant from the waste combustor or operating parameters of a component of the waste combustor. For continuously monitored emissions, data shall be considered accurate and valid immediately upon recording. For emissions for which a performance test is conducted, data shall be considered accurate and valid 14 days after the waste combustor owner or operator receives the performance test report, unless the waste combustor owner or operator notifies the commissioner within the same 14 days that the owner or operator can show reason for rejecting the data.

Subp. 6.Air contaminant.

"Air contaminant" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.06, subdivision 2.

Subp. 7. [Repealed, 22 SR 1975]
Subp. 8.Chief facility operator.

"Chief facility operator" means the person in direct charge and control of the operation of a waste combustor who is responsible for daily on-site supervision, technical direction, management, and overall performance of the facility.

Subp. 9.Class A waste combustor.

"Class A waste combustor" means that the design capacity for a waste combustor unit is 93.75 x 106 Btu/hr or more, the waste combustor units combust primarily mixed municipal solid waste or RDF, and construction of the waste combustor was commenced on or before September 20, 1994.

Subp. 10. [Repealed, 22 SR 1975]

Subp. 11.Class C waste combustor.

"Class C waste combustor" means that the total of the design capacities for all waste combustor units at a stationary source is 15 x 106 Btu/hr or more and less than 93.75 x 106 Btu/hr, the waste combustor units combust primarily mixed municipal solid waste or RDF, and construction of the waste combustor was commenced on or before August 30, 1999.

Subp. 12. [Repealed, 22 SR 1975]
Subp. 13.Class I waste combustor.

"Class I waste combustor" means that the design capacity for a waste combustor unit is 93.75 x 106 Btu/hr or more, the waste combustor unit burns mixed municipal solid waste, and construction of the unit is commenced after September 20, 1994, or modification or reconstruction is commenced after June 19, 1996.

Subp. 14.Class II waste combustor.

"Class II waste combustor" means that the design capacity for a waste combustor unit is 15 x 106 Btu/hr or more and less than 93.75 x 106 Btu/hr, the waste combustor unit burns mixed municipal solid waste, and construction of the unit is commenced after August 30, 1999, or modification or reconstruction is commenced after 6, 2001.

Subp. 15.Class III waste combustor.

"Class III waste combustor" means that the design capacity for a waste combustor unit is 3.0 x 106 Btu/hr or more and less than 15 x 106 Btu/hr, the waste combustor unit burns mixed municipal solid waste or medical waste, and the waste combustor is issued a permit for construction after December 20, 1989.

Subp. 16.Class IV waste combustor.

"Class IV waste combustor" means that the design capacity for a waste combustor unit is less than 3.0 x 106 Btu/hr.

Subp. 16a.Commercial or industrial solid waste incinerator.

"Commercial or industrial solid waste incinerator" means any distinct operating unit at a commercial or industrial solid waste facility that combusts, or has combusted in the preceding six months, any solid waste as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 241.

Subp. 17.Cofired unit.

"Cofired unit" means an emissions unit which combusts mixed municipal solid waste or RDF with a fuel that is not mixed municipal solid waste or RDF and 30 percent or less by weight of the total fuel input is comprised in aggregate of mixed municipal solid waste or RDF as measured on a 24-hour basis. The fuel feed stream composition calculation shall be the ratio of the weights of mixed municipal solid waste and RDF to mixed municipal solid waste, RDF, and all other fuels delivered to the combustion chamber.

Subp. 18.Crematorium.

"Crematorium" means a furnace used to reduce the dead human body to ashes and inorganic bone fragments.

Subp. 19.Design capacity.

"Design capacity" means the hourly throughput of the waste combustor unit based on heat input from solid waste of the combustion system stated by the manufacturer or designer, based on accepted design and engineering practices. For a noncontinuous feed system, design capacity means the total heat input from solid waste per cycle.

Subp. 20.Dumpstack.

"Dumpstack" means a stack, chimney, vent, or other functionally equivalent opening by which uncontrolled emissions are vented into the ambient air.

Subp. 21.Energy recovery facility.

"Energy recovery facility" means an emissions unit or emission facility used to capture the heat value of solid waste for conversion to steam, electricity, or immediate heat value by direct combustion or by burning an intermediate fuel product derived from solid waste. For the purposes of parts 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, this definition does not include landfill facilities that recover methane gases, or facilities processing solid waste to convert the solid waste to an intermediate fuel product.

Subp. 22.Fluidized bed combustor.

"Fluidized bed combustor" means a classification of combustion systems in which the bed material is maintained in a fluidized state in the primary zone of combustion. Combustion systems included in this classification include bubbling fluidized bed and circulating fluidized bed combustors.

Subp. 23.Four-hour block average.

"Four-hour block average" means the average of all hourly emission rates when the emissions unit is operating and combusting solid waste measured over six discrete four-hour periods beginning at midnight.

Subp. 24.Hazardous waste.

"Hazardous waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115B.02, subdivision 9.

Subp. 25.Household batteries.

"Household batteries" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.961.

Subp. 26.Household hazardous waste.

"Household hazardous waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.96, subdivision 1, paragraph (b).

Subp. 27.Incinerator.

"Incinerator" means any emissions unit, emission facility, furnace, or other device used for the primary purpose of reducing the volume of solid waste by removing combustible matter.

Subp. 28.Industrial solid waste.

"Industrial solid waste" has the meaning given in part 7035.0300, subpart 45.

Subp. 29.Infectious waste.

"Infectious waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.76, subdivision 12.

Subp. 30.Initial start-up.

"Initial start-up" means the date on which solid waste is first fired in a new, modified, retrofitted, or reconstructed emissions unit.

Subp. 31.Mass burn.

"Mass burn" means a classification of field-erected combustion systems in which solid waste is combusted that has not been subjected to shredding or size classification. Combustion systems included in this classification are mass burn waterwall, mass burn refractory, and mass burn rotary waterwall combustors.

Subp. 32.Maximum demonstrated capacity.

For waste combustors with heat recovery, "maximum demonstrated capacity" means the maximum four-hour integrated average load for each waste combustor unit achieved during four consecutive hours during the most recent test during which compliance with the PCDD/PCDF limit in part 7011.1225 is achieved, as measured by steam flow or alternative method as approved by the commissioner. For waste combustors without heat recovery, "maximum demonstrated capacity" means the maximum four-hour arithmetic average input rate for each waste combustor unit achieved during the most recent test during which compliance with the PCDD/PCDF limit was achieved. If PCDD/PCDF testing is not required to be conducted, the maximum demonstrated capacity is the capacity achieved during the conduct of the most recent test for which compliance with particulate matter standards and carbon monoxide in part 7011.1225 is demonstrated.

Subp. 33.Metals recovery incinerator.

"Metals recovery incinerator" means a furnace or incinerator used primarily to recover precious and nonprecious metals by burning the combustible fraction from waste. An aluminum sweat furnace is not a metals recovery incinerator.

Subp. 34.Mixed municipal solid waste.

"Mixed municipal solid waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.03, subdivision 21.

Subp. 34a.Modification or modified municipal waste combustor unit.

"Modification" or "modified municipal waste combustor unit" means a municipal waste combustor unit to which changes have been made after June 19, 1996, if the cumulative cost of the changes, over the life of the unit, exceed 50 percent of the original cost of construction and installation of the unit (not including the cost of any land purchased in connection with such construction or installation) updated to current costs; or any physical change in the municipal waste combustor unit or change in the method of operation of the municipal waste combustor which increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted by the unit for which standards have been established under section 129 or section 111 of the Clean Air Act. Increases in the amount of any air pollutant emitted by the municipal waste combustor unit are determined at 100 percent physical load capability and downstream of all air pollution control devices, with no consideration given for load restrictions based on permits or other nonphysical operational restrictions.

Subp. 35.Modular waste combustor.

"Modular waste combustor" means a classification of combustion systems that are not field-erected, and have more than one combustion chamber. Combustion systems included in this classification are modular starved air and modular excess air combustors.

Subp. 36.Normal start-up.

"Normal start-up" means the period of time between the initial start-up of a new, modified, retrofitted, or reconstructed emissions unit of a waste combustor, or emissions unit of a waste combustor that is modified, retrofitted, or reconstructed to meet the requirements of parts 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, and the lesser of 60 days after achieving the maximum production rate at which the emissions unit will operate or 180 days after initial start-up.

If no modification, retrofit, or reconstruction of a Class D or IV waste combustor is necessary to meet the requirements of parts 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, then normal start-up means the period of time between June 20, 1994, and the applicable date in part 7011.1215, subpart 6.

If no modification, retrofit, or reconstruction of a Class A or C waste combustor is necessary to meet the requirements of parts 7011.1201 to 7011.1290, then normal start-up means the period of time between May 18, 1998, and the date by which the waste combustor must demonstrate compliance with waste combustor emission standards of part 7011.1225, as allowed in part 7011.1215, subparts 5 and 5a.

Subp. 36a.One-hour average.

"One-hour average" means the arithmetic mean of all the individual data points collected by a monitor in an hour. Each hourly average begins at the top of the hour and ends at the top of the succeeding hour.

Subp. 37.Operator supervisor.

"Operator supervisor" means the Class IV waste combustor personnel who has direct responsibility for control of the operation of a waste combustor and is responsible for overall on-site supervision, technical direction, management, and performance of the facility. This personnel may also be responsible for operating the waste combustor including start-up, operation, shutdown, and maintenance of the equipment.

Subp. 38.Paint burn-off oven.

"Paint burn-off oven" means an oven or furnace designed, installed, and operated to burn off paint overspray from hooks and other painting process accessories.

Subp. 39.Pathological waste.

"Pathological waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.76, subdivision 14.

Subp. 40.Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans or PCDD/PCDF.

"Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans" or "PCDD/PCDF" means the total of tetra-through octa-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans.

Subp. 41.Problem material.

"Problem material" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.03, subdivision 24a.

Subp. 42.RDF stoker.

"RDF stoker" means a steam generating unit that combusts RDF in a semisuspension firing mode using air-fed distributors.

Subp. 42a.Reconstruction.

"Reconstruction" means rebuilding a municipal waste combustor unit for which the reconstruction commenced after June 19, 1996, and the cumulative costs of the construction over the life of the unit exceed 50 percent of the original cost of construction and installation of the unit (not including any cost of land purchased in connection with the construction or installation) updated to current costs (current dollars).

Subp. 43.Refuse-derived fuel or RDF.

"Refuse-derived fuel" or "RDF" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.03, subdivision 25d.

Subp. 43a.Retrofit.

"Retrofit" means the installation of air pollution control, combustion, or monitoring equipment to a waste combustor for purposes of reducing air pollution emissions. If installing air pollution control equipment, combustion equipment, or monitoring equipment would be a modification as defined in subpart 34a, or reconstruction as defined in subpart 42a, then the activity is not a retrofit.

Subp. 43b.Resinated wood.

"Resinated wood" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 241.2.

Subp. 44.Shift supervisor.

"Shift supervisor" means the person in direct charge and control of the operation of a waste combustor and who is responsible for on-site supervision, technical direction, management, and overall performance of the facility during an assigned shift.

Subp. 45.Solid waste.

"Solid waste" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.06, subdivision 22.

Subp. 45a.Tires.

"Tires" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.90, subdivision 7.

Subp. 46.Waste combustor.

"Waste combustor" means any emissions unit or emission facility where mixed municipal solid waste, solid waste, or refuse-derived fuel is combusted, and includes energy recovery facilities, or other combustion devices. A metals recovery incinerator is a waste combustor. A combustion device combusting resinated wood or dewatered papermill wastewater treatment plant sludge, is not a waste combustor. A soil treatment facility, paint burn-off oven, wood heater, or residential fireplace is not a waste combustor.

Subp. 47. [Repealed, 22 SR 1975]
Subp. 48.Wood.

"Wood" means wood, wood residue, bark, or any derivative fuel or residue thereof, in any form, including sawdust, sander dust, wood chips, wood scraps, slabs, millings, shavings, and processed pellets made from wood and other forest residues.

Subp. 49.Wood heater.

"Wood heater" means an enclosed wood-burning appliance capable of and intended for space heating and domestic water heating. These devices include adjustable burn rate wood heaters, single burn rate wood heaters, and pellet stoves. Wood heaters may or may not include air ducts to deliver some portion of the heat produced to areas other than the space where the wood heater is located. Wood heaters include:

A. free-standing wood heaters: wood heaters that are installed on legs, on a pedestal, or suspended from the ceiling. These products generally are safety listed under UL-1482, UL-737, or ULC-S627;
B. fireplace insert wood heaters: wood heaters intended to be installed in masonry fireplace cavities or in other enclosures. These appliances generally are safety listed under UL-1482, UL-737, or ULC-S628; and
C. built-in wood heaters: wood heaters that are intended to be recessed into the wall. These appliances generally are safety listed under UL-1482, UL-737, UL-127, or ULC-S610.
Subp. 50.Yard waste.

"Yard waste" means garden wastes, leaves, lawn cuttings, weeds, and prunings.

Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, WASTE COMBUSTORS, pt. 7011.1201

L 1987 c 186 s 15; 18 SR 614; 18 SR 2584; 22 SR 1975; 44 SR 1030
46 SR 1209

Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07