Subp. 3.Exceedance of continuously monitored emission limits.If, after normal start-up, accurate and valid data results collected from continuous emission monitors exceed emission limits established in part 7011.1350, item B; 7011.1355, subpart 2; 7011.1365; or 7011.1370, subpart 1, or in the permit for the incinerator, the incinerator owner or operator must:
A. report the exceedance to the commissioner as soon as reasonably possible, giving consideration to matters of plant or worker safety or access to communications;B. commence appropriate repairs or modifications to return the incinerator to compliance within 72 hours of the exceedance;C. shut down the incinerator if the modification or repairs cannot be completed within 72 hours of the exceedance; andD. when repairs or modifications have been completed, demonstrate to the commissioner that the incinerator is in compliance. Th e incinerator may be started up after the owner or operator has notified the commissioner in writing of the date the owner or ope rator plans to start up the incinerator. Notification must be given at least 24 hours before resuming operation. Compliance is demonstrated by providing to the commissioner written results from the continuous monitor showing compliance with the emission limits.