Subpart 1.Annual tuning of dryer burner.The owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt plant must tune the dryer burner for maximum combustion efficiency once each calendar year.
Subp. 2.Daily check of dryer burner.The owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt plant must do the following while producing hot mix asphalt each day except when burning natural gas or propane:
A. read the fuel pressure gauge on the dryer burner; andB. check for a negative draft at the dryer burner inlet.Subp. 3.Records kept on dryer burner.The owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt plant must maintain a record of:
A. the dates of the annual tuning of the dryer burner;B. the daily reading from the fuel pressure gauge on the dryer burner except when burning natural gas or propane;C. whether there was a negative draft at the dryer burner inlet each day except when burning natural gas or propane; andD. any corrective actions taken as a result of the daily checks required by subpart 2.Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, HOT MIX ASPHALT PLANTS, pt. 7011.0911
Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07