An owner or operator of an emission facility may file an application for a permit modification under chapter 7007 for adjustment of the opacity standard applicable to an emissions unit. In addition to the items required under chapter 7007, the application must contain data that demonstrates that:
If the data submitted under subpart 1 indicates that an adjustment of the opacity standard may cause or contribute to a violation of an ambient air quality standard, the commissioner shall must require the owner or operator to conduct atmospheric dispersion modeling and include the results of the modeling in the application for a permit modification. However, a stationary source that has potential emissions of particulate matter of less than 25 tons per year is not required to conduct modeling. Modeling must be performed according to "Guideline on Air Quality Models," EPA-450/2-78-027R, United States Environmental Protection Agency (July 1986), as amended by supplemental updates, or methods that the commissioner finds to be comparably reliable. The guideline is incorporated by reference, is available at, and is subject to frequent change.
The agency shall set an adjusted opacity standard at the most restrictive level which the performance tests conducted under subpart 1, items A and C demonstrate the emissions unit is capable of meeting and shall modify the permit to establish the adjusted opacity standard, if the requirements of subparts 1 and 2 are met and the stationary source, with the adjusted opacity standard, would meet any one of the following:
Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7011, EMISSION STANDARDS FOR VISIBLE AIR CONTAMINANTS, pt. 7011.0120
Statutory Authority: MS s 116.07