Part 7001.3200 - PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION REPORT The preliminary site evaluation report must contain a statement of the land disposal capacity needed, as determined under Minnesota Statutes, sections 115A.917 and 473.823. The report must contain a description of the site selection process, stating how candidate sites were chosen, how and by whom they were evaluated, and the basis for eliminating potential sites from consideration. For the site or sites recommended for detailed evaluation, the report must contain preliminary evaluations of the following conditions, accompanied by supporting technical documentation:
A. the site's geology, ground water occurrence, horizontal and vertical directions and rates of ground water movement, and ground water quality, based on the preliminary review of available hydrogeologic maps and references, air photography, logs of previous borings and wells, and other available information required under part 7035.2815, subpart 3, item E;B. the site's capability to protect ground water and surface water if the leachate management system fails to contain leachate;C. the feasibility of the ground water monitoring required under part 7035.2815, subpart 10;D. the feasibility of containing and removing polluted ground water or waste and waste by-products;E. the site's ability to meet the location standards of parts 7035.2555 and 7035.2815, subpart 2;F. the availability of sufficient land for the buffer area and the setback from the property line required under part 7035.2815, subparts 2 and 5 and for the designation of a compliance boundary surrounding the facility as required under part 7035.2815, subpart 4;G. the availability of suitable materials for the liners and cover required under part 7035.2815, subparts 6 and 7;H. the potential for soil erosion or surface drainage to lead to increased leachate generation, failure of leachate containment features, runoff, or other undesirable consequences; andI. the initial efforts to secure treatment facilities for leachate generated at the facility.Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7001, SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY PERMITS, pt. 7001.3200
Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 116.07