Whitefish and rough fish may be taken by licensed commercial operators in Rainy Lake from June 1 through December 31 subject to the specified length limits. The minimum length for whitefish taken by commercial fishing operations is 18 inches.
Pound net leads may not exceed 825 feet in length. Pound nets may be not set in connected strings of more than two.
Nets may not be set within 500 feet of the mouth of any stream nor within that portion of Rainy Lake, including Black Bay, within the boundaries of Koochiching County under the jurisdiction of this state. Under special permit, pound, trap, or fyke nets may be set at any place within any closed area of Rainy Lake which is approved by the commissioner during the period from June 15 through April 15 for the sole purpose of taking rough fish and whitefish. Nets may not be lifted except during daylight hours.
All nets in Rainy Lake must be lifted and emptied of fish at least once in every 48-hour period, unless a longer period is granted by the commissioner.
The provisions in this subpart apply to commercial fishing operations on Rainy Lake:
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6260, COMMERCIAL FISHING IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS, pt. 6260.1600
Statutory Authority: MS s 97A.045