Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6232, TAKING DEER BY FIREARMS, pt. 6232.1600

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 6232.1600 - [Effective until 1/31/2025] SPECIAL HUNT PROCEDURES
Subpart 1.Deer license and permit required for special hunt permit area.

Before applying to hunt in a special hunt permit area, a person must purchase a deer hunting license. A firearms deer license validated for the proper season option and a permit valid for that area is required to hunt deer in firearms special hunt areas. Special hunt permit applications must be made at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center.

Subp. 2.Application process.

Applications for all firearms special hunt permits must be made according to this subpart and according to application instructions provided by the commissioner.

A. Each person must apply at an electronic license system agent or the Department of Natural Resources License Center. A person may not apply more than once for a hunt, whether as an individual or as a member of a group.
B. Up to four persons desiring to hunt as a group may apply together. Group applications will either all be selected or none selected.
C. The preference rating of applicants who apply as a group will be based on the individual in the group with the lowest preference.
D. The application deadline is the first Thursday following Labor Day.
E. If the number of applications for permits in any area exceeds the quota determined by the commissioner, a preference drawing will be held to determine who will be issued permits as provided by part 6232.1800.
Subp. 3.Notification of drawing results.

Only successful applicants will be notified.

Subp. 4.Second choice for unsuccessful applicants.

Unsuccessful applicants for special hunt areas may, at the discretion of the commissioner, be given a second choice for undersubscribed special hunt areas.

Subp. 5.Undersubscribed areas.

For those special hunt areas that are undersubscribed after provisions of subpart 4 are implemented, the commissioner may issue remaining permits over-the-counter on a first-come first-serve basis to individuals possessing a firearms license validated for the proper season option.

Subp. 6.Firearms special hunt area quota adjustments.

The commissioner may reduce the permit quota for the St. Croix and Wild River State Parks firearms special hunts at the time the computerized drawing is conducted to accommodate tribal declarations for antlerless deer harvest in the 1837 Ceded Territory in compliance with Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa v. Minnesota, 119 S. Ct. 1187 (1999).

Subp. 7.Nontoxic ammunition required.
A. Individuals may possess only nontoxic ammunition on their person while taking wild animals, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.015, subdivision 47, while participating in a special hunt in a scientific and natural area or in a state park, including a disease management hunt under subpart 9.
B. For purposes of this subpart, "nontoxic ammunition" means:
(1) steel shot or projectile;
(2) copper-plated, nickel-plated, or zinc-plated steel shot or projectile; or
(3) shot or projectile made of other nontoxic material approved by the director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 50, section 20.21(j).
C. A person who carries a pistol and possesses a valid permit under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.714, may possess ammunition that does not meet the requirement of items A and B, but the ammunition may not be used for taking wild animals while participating in a special hunt in a scientific and natural area or in a state park.
Subp. 8.2024 firearms special hunt areas.

In addition to complying with the requirements of this part, hunters who are hunting under a firearms special hunt permit must meet any requirements of the municipality, park, or area in which the special hunt occurs and those of any sponsoring organization. Hunt participants must stay within any boundaries prescribed by the sponsoring organization, by maps provided during a prehunt orientation, or by posting. Unless otherwise specified, hunters must possess a valid permit for the following firearms special hunt areas authorized for the 2024 season:

A. portions of Cascade River State Park in Cook County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 45 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 900;
B. portions of Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Aitkin County are open November 16 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 40 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 901;
C. portions of St. Croix State Park in Pine County are open November 22 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 250 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 902;
D. portions of Lake Louise State Park in Mower County are open November 16 and 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks in an earn-a-buck hunt. No more than 25 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 903;
E. portions of Gooseberry Falls State Park in Lake County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 25 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 904;
F. portions of Split Rock Lighthouse State Park in Lake County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 15 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 905;
G. portions of Tettegouche State Park in Lake County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 25 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 906;
H. portions of Hayes Lake State Park in Roseau County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 50 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 908;
I. portions of Lake Bemidji State Park in Beltrami County are open November 9 to 12 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 30 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. Disease management permits may be used to take antlerless deer during this special hunt. This is special hunt 909;
J. portions of Zippel Bay State Park in Lake of the Woods County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks in an earn-a-buck hunt. No more than 75 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 910;
K. portions of Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Cook County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 25 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 911;
L. portions of Schoolcraft State Park in Cass County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. Individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season may hunt the open portions of the park without a special permit, and permit numbers are not limited. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 912;
M. portions of Lake Carlos State Park in Douglas County are open November 9 to 12 for taking antlerless deer only. No more than 20 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 913;
N. portions of William O'Brien State Park in Washington County are open November 16 and 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 50 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 914;
O. portions of Lake Bronson State Park in Kittson County are open November 9 to 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks in an earn-a-buck hunt. No more than 25 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 915;
P.portions of Maplewood State Park in Otter Tail County are open November 9 to 12 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 100 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 916;
Q. portions of Miesville Ravine Park Reserve in Dakota County are open November 9 to 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 40 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 season. The bag limit is five deer. This is special hunt 917;
R. portions of Itasca Wilderness Sanctuary Scientific and Natural Area and portions of Itasca State Park in Clearwater County are open November 9 to 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. Individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season may hunt the open areas without a special permit. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 287;
S. portions of Glacial Lakes State Park in Pope County are open November 14 to 17 for taking antlerless deer only. No more than 20 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 919;
T. portions of Old Mill State Park in Marshall County are open November 9 and 10 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than ten permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is one deer. This is special hunt 922;
U. portions of Franz Jevne State Park in Koochiching County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. Individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season may hunt the open portions of the park without a special permit, and numbers are not limited. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 988;
V. portions of Vermillion Highlands Research, Recreation, and Wildlife Management Area in Dakota County are open November 9 to 22 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 20 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 925;
W. portions of the city of Grand Rapids in Itasca County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. Individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 100 season may hunt the open portions of the city without a special permit. The bag limit is five deer. Disease management permits may be used to take antlerless deer during this special hunt. Deer taken during this special hunt must be submitted within 24 hours of harvest for chronic wasting disease testing at a sampling station designated by the hunt administrator. This is special hunt 931;
X. portions of Forestville Mystery Cave State Park in Fillmore County are open November 9 and 10 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 75 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 933;
Y. portions of Whitewater State Game Refuge in Winona County are open November 23 to December 1 for taking antlerless deer only. No more than 100 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 934;
Z. portions of Great River Bluffs State Park and portions of King's and Queen's Bluff Scientific and Natural Area in Winona County are open November 23 and 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 50 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 962;
AA. portions of Whitewater State Park in Winona County are open November 16 and 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 50 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 927;
BB. portions of Frontenac State Park in Goodhue County are open November 23 and 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 60 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the late southeast B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 940;
CC. portions of Kilen Woods State Park in Jackson County are open December 21 to 31 for taking antlerless deer. No more than ten permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 991;
DD. portions of Wild River State Park in Chisago County are open November 9 and 10 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 75 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is two deer. This is special hunt 920;
EE. portions of the city of Baxter in Crow Wing County are open November 9 to 24 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. Permits to hunt are unlimited and shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 200 season. The bag limit is five deer. This is special hunt 993;
FF. portions of the city of Baxter in Crow Wing County are open October 17 to 20 for taking antlerless deer only. Permits to hunt are unlimited and shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the early antlerless season. The bag limit is five deer. This is special hunt 955;
GG. portions of Zumbro Falls Woods Scientific and Natural Area in Wabasha County are open November 9 to 17 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 12 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or statewide B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 921; and
HH. portions of Zumbro Falls Woods Scientific and Natural Area in Wabasha County are open November 23 to December 1 for taking antlerless deer and legal bucks. No more than 12 permits shall be issued only to individuals authorized to hunt the statewide A 300 or statewide B 300 season. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 923.
Subp. 9.Disease management hunts.
A. To participate in the special hunt under item B, hunters must purchase a disease management permit according to part 6232.1980 or possess an unused site tag from a 2024 Minnesota landowner license, youth or adult firearm license, youth or adult muzzleloader license, youth or adult archery license, bonus permit, or early antlerless permit. During the special hunt under item B:
(1) hunters may tag deer of either sex with disease management tags or unused site tags from a 2024 landowner license, youth or adult firearm license, youth or adult muzzleloader license, or youth or adult archery license. Hunters using a 2024 landowner license are not required to use it on their property when participating in the disease management hunt;
(2) bonus permits and early antlerless permits may only be used on antlerless deer;
(3) firearm hunters in deer permit areas 605, 642, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, and 649 may use only legal shotguns loaded with single-slug shotgun shells, legal muzzle-loading long guns, legal handguns, or legal crossbows for taking deer; and
(4) a person using an unused tag from a 2024 firearms license must use a firearm or crossbow, a person hunting with an unused tag from a 2024 muzzleloader license must use a muzzleloader, and a person hunting with an unused tag from a 2024 archery license must use archery equipment. Persons hunting with a disease management permit may hunt with archery equipment, a firearm, a muzzleloader, or a crossbow.
B. The special hunt is open December 20 to 22 as provided in item A for taking an unlimited number of either-sex deer by firearms, muzzleloader, and archery, unless otherwise indicated, in the following areas:
(1) deer permit areas 605, 642, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, and 649 as described in part 6232.4700, subparts 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, and 168;
(2) portions of Rushford Sand Barrens Scientific and Natural Area in deer permit area 648;
(3) portions of Cannon River Turtle Reserve Scientific and Natural Area in deer permit area 605;
(4) portions of Savage Fen Scientific and Natural Area in deer permit area 605 for taking by archery only; and
(5) portions of Vermillion Highlands Research, Recreation, and Wildlife Management Area in deer permit area 605 for no more than 20 permitted hunters selected during the 2024 special deer hunt drawing for the Vermillion Highlands Research, Recreation, and Wildlife Management Area special deer hunt 925 and special deer hunt 944.
C. To participate in a special hunt under item D, hunters must obtain a free disease-hunt surplus permit from an electronic license system agent, the Department of Natural Resources License Center, or other authorized agents. Permits are available on a first-come, first-served basis starting December 2. Hunters must stay within any boundaries prescribed by the sponsoring organization, by maps provided by the sponsoring organization, or by posting. Hunters may select only one special hunt from the special hunts described in item D. During the special hunts under item D:
(1) hunters may tag deer of either sex with disease management site tags or unused site tags from a 2024 landowner license, youth or adult firearm license, youth or adult archery license, or youth or adult muzzleloader license;
(2) bonus permit site tags and early antlerless permit site tags may only be used on antlerless deer; and
(3) firearm hunters may use only legal shotguns loaded with single-slug shotgun shells, legal muzzle-loading long guns, legal handguns, or legal crossbows for taking deer.
D. The following special hunt areas are open as provided in item C for taking an unlimited number of either-sex deer unless otherwise specified:
(1) portions of Forestville Mystery Cave State Park in Fillmore County are open December 20 to 22 for taking deer by firearms. No more than 75 permits shall be issued to individuals authorized to hunt the disease management hunt. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 801;
(2) portions of Pin Oak Prairie Scientific and Natural Area in Fillmore County are open December 20 to 22 for taking deer by firearms. No more than four permits shall be issued to individuals authorized to hunt the disease management hunt. The bag limit is five deer. This is special hunt 803;
(3) portions of Great River Bluffs State Park and King's and Queen's Scientific and Natural Area in Winona County are open December 20 to 22 for taking deer by firearms. No more than 50 permits shall be issued to individuals authorized to hunt the disease management hunt. The bag limit is three deer. This is special hunt 805;
(4) portions of Cannon River Wilderness Park in Rice County are open December 20 to 22 for taking deer by archery. No more than 50 permits shall be issued to individuals authorized to hunt the disease management hunt. This is special hunt 809; and
(5) portions of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park and Prairie Creek Woods Scientific and Natural Area in Rice County are open December 20 to 22 for taking deer by firearms. No more than 50 permits shall be issued to individuals authorized to hunt the disease management hunt. This is special hunt 802.

Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6232, TAKING DEER BY FIREARMS, pt. 6232.1600

18 SR 83; 19 SR 484; 30 SR 613; 33 SR 1967; 35 SR 2014
48 SR 543, exp. 1/31/2024 (Emergency)
49 SR 197, exp. 1/31/2025 (Emergency)