For the purposes of parts 6125.8000 to 6125.8700, the following words have the meanings given them.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of natural resources of Minnesota, or the commissioner's designated representative.
"Industrial minerals," whether singular or plural, includes any of the following: apatite, diamonds, dimension stone, feldspar, gemstones, graphite, kaolin, marl, quartz, silica sand, and other similar minerals of a nonmetalliferous nature. The term industrial minerals does not include, and parts 6125.8000 to 6125.8700 do not cover, the following minerals:
"Leased minerals," whether singular or plural, are the selected industrial minerals that are defined in and covered by a lease issued under parts 6125.8000 to 6125.8700.
"Metallic minerals," whether singular or plural, means any mineral substances of a metalliferous nature, except iron ores and taconite ores.
"Ton" means 2,000 pounds avoirdupois after removal of all free moisture from the material weighed, by drying at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6125, LEASES OF STATE LANDS FOR SELECTED INDUSTRIAL MINERALS, pt. 6125.8100
Statutory Authority: MS s 93.25