Subpart 1. [Repealed, 13 SR 2825]Subp. 2.Computation.If a field inspection is conducted, field inspection fees shall be charged only for:
(1) projects requiring an environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) or environmental impact statement (EIS) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116D, and the environmental review program rules, parts 4410.0200 to 4410.6500. Projects that do not require a mandatory environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) or environmental impact statement (EIS) under parts 4410.4300 and 4410.4400, at the time the permit application is made, shall not be charged field inspection fees; (2) projects undertaken without a permit or application as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 84.083, and chapters 103A, 103B, and 103E to 103G; or (3) projects undertaken in excess of limitations established in an issued permit. The fee charged will be the actual cost of the field inspection, but shall not be less than $100. Examples of field inspection costs are:
A. state salaries, including fringe benefits and overhead, (travel and inspection time of state employees multiplied by actual hourly rates);B. transportation to and from inspection site, laboratories and other documented travel sites, based on current Department of Administration rates or rates specified in applicable bargaining unit agreements;C. expense of purchase, rental, or repair of special equipment and supplies;D. living expenses away from home, based on current Department of Administration rates or rates specified in applicable bargaining unit agreements;E. inspection and consultant services contracted for by the state; andF. laboratory expenses and analysis of data.Subp. 2a.Dams and water level controls.Field inspection fees shall not be charged for any dam subject to parts 6115.0300 to 6115.0520. Such dams are subject to the inspection fee requirements of part 6115.0520. Field inspection fees for all other water level control structures shall be charged pursuant to parts 6115.0010 to 6115.0130.
Subp. 3. [Repealed by amendment, 10 SR 236]Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6115, PERMIT, INSPECTION, AND MONITORING FEES, pt. 6115.0080
Statutory Authority: MS s 105.44; 103G.301; 103G.315