All existing and proposed dams shall be classified by the commissioner into the following three hazard classes: those dams where failure, misoperation, or other occurrences or conditions would probably result in:
Any dam whose failure, misoperation, or other occurrences or conditions would result only in damages to the owner and would not otherwise affect public health, safety, and welfare as described in Classes I, II, and III, shall not be subject to this hazard classification. A dam which is not classified as a hazard Class I, II, or III dam, and those which are not included in the definition of dam at part 6115.0230, subpart 5, definition of dam, shall be subject to applicable provisions of parts 6115.0200 to 6115.0260, and shall not be subject to these dam safety rules. Changes in development in the vicinity of the dam may result in future reclassification.
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6115, DAMS, pt. 6115.0340
Statutory Authority: MS s 105.535