When the judge of a juvenile court or any of its duly authorized agents shall determine that any person, while less than 18 years of age, has violated the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 84.81 to 84.88 or any other state or local law or ordinance regulating the operation of snowmobiles, the judge or duly authorized agent shall immediately report such a determination to the commissioner on the form prescribed. The judge, or duly authorized agent, may indicate upon the form prescribed a recommendation as to whether or not the person's snowmobile safety certificate should be suspended and the length of such suspension, if any.
A person under 18 years of age shall surrender the person's snowmobile safety certificate to the judge, or duly authorized agent, in all cases when such judge, or agent, recommends the suspension of such certificate. The snowmobile safety certificate shall be transmitted to the commissioner in all cases where suspension thereof is recommended and where such recommended period of suspension exceeds 15 days.
The commissioner shall retain possession of suspended snowmobile safety certificates during the period of the suspension, all other certificates shall be returned immediately upon a determination that they will not be suspended.
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6100, SNOWMOBILE REGISTRATION AND OPERATION, pt. 6100.5600
Statutory Authority: MS s 84.86