Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5200, PREVAILING WAGE DETERMINATIONS, pt. 5200.1050

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 5200.1050 - SURVEY PROCEDURES
Subpart 1.Scope.

The purpose of each survey is to develop a database upon which to determine prevailing wage rates for those classes of labor expected to be used on state projects based upon wage rates paid to the same classes of labor on similar projects in the area. In establishing the data, the procedural steps in subparts 2 to 4 shall be taken.

Subp. 2.Wage reports.

The department shall regularly request from contractors, contractor organizations, labor organizations, and any other interested person, on forms available from or approved by the department, reports of construction wage rates paid by contractors on various types of highway and heavy projects where the estimated total cost of completing the project is $25,000 or more and on commercial projects where the estimated total cost of completing the project is $2,500 or more. The reports must be kept on file by the department according to the county or area in which the project for which the report is received was performed. The reports must list the name and address of the contractor, the name of the project, the location of the project, a description of the project, any identifying project numbers, a description of the work performed on the project, the approximate dollar cost of the project, the names of employees who worked eight hours or more on a highway and heavy or commercial project, together with the class of labor for each employee, the wage rate paid each employee on the project, and the hourly cost of fringe benefits for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship or training, and any other economic benefits paid for each employee. The forms shall be signed and dated by the organization or individual providing the information attesting that the information provided is true and correct.

Subp. 2a.Union wage reports.

The department shall also keep local union wage and employment reports, on forms provided or approved by the department. The reports must set forth the classes of labor, trade, or occupation covered, the effective date of the contract, wage and fringe benefits paid under the contract, the duration of the contract, the dates of all adjustments to wages and fringe benefits together with the amount of the adjustments on each date, the geographic area where the contract is effective, the number of members employed within the geographic area covered by the contract, the type of projects covered by the contract, and a list of all contractors or employer associations signatory to the contract. The local union wage reports are to be signed and dated by a representative from the local union attesting that the information provided is true and correct.

Subp. 2b.Mailing lists.

The department shall also keep and maintain a mailing list of governmental officials, district, county, and city engineers, city clerks, administrators, and zoning officials for each county. The department shall also keep and maintain a mailing list of contractors, contractor associations, labor organizations, and other individuals who have requested to be on a mailing list to be notified when any survey is about to be taken.

Subp. 2c.Notification of survey.

Upon initiation of a survey, the department must notify the county engineer and all city engineers, city clerks, administrators, and zoning officials in the county to be surveyed. The notice will request local officials to submit reports of construction in the county in the preceding 12 months. The report shall include the names of the contractors and their addresses. The department must also notify all contractors, contractor associations, labor organizations, and other individuals who have requested to be notified when a survey for any county is about to be taken. That notice will request that interested individuals submit reports on forms available from or approved by the department concerning construction performed in the county during the preceding 12 months. The notice shall state that all reports of construction in the county must be returned to the department no later than 60 days following the date upon which the notice of the survey is mailed by the department. Information not timely received by the department shall not be used in establishing the prevailing wage rate for any class of labor. Any unsigned or incomplete forms received prior to the final date for receipt of the forms shall be returned to the individual, contractor, or labor organization, to the extent the individual, contractor, or labor organization can be identified, with a request that the form be properly completed. The department may use incomplete reports where the entity completing the form has provided all the information it has. If that form is not received by the department within 15 days from the date it is returned by mail to the individual, contractor, or labor organization, it shall be excluded from the survey. In no event shall information on unsigned reports of construction in the county be utilized in making wage determinations. All reports must be signed and dated by the organization or individual making the report attesting that the information provided is true and correct.

Subp. 3. [Repealed by amendment, 8 SR 2274]
Subp. 3a.Reports, attestations.

Reports of construction wage rates and local union wage and employment reports shall specify that the individual signing the report attests that the information on the report is true and correct. The form shall specify that willful falsification of any information on the report may result in civil or criminal prosecution. In addition, a person, organization, or company who willfully submits false information will not be allowed to submit information from one to three years and all information submitted by that entity must be excluded from the wage determination.

Subp. 3b. [Repealed, 21 SR 1107]
Subp. 4.Area calculation record.

The number of workers in each class of labor and their respective wage rates shall be determined and reflected on an area calculation record.

Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5200, PREVAILING WAGE DETERMINATIONS, pt. 5200.1050

8 SR 2274; 21 SR 1107; 33 SR 1598

Statutory Authority: MS s 175.171; 177.28; 177.41 to 177.44