Subpart 1.Applicability.Facilities using bone densitometry systems or pQCT peripheral systems must comply with the requirements in this part and other relevant requirements in this chapter. Persons registered to possess radiation-producing equipment must be responsible for maintaining the equipment in compliance with:
A. nationally recognized standards, such as Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, section 1020;B. the manufacturer's specifications; orSubp. 2.General requirements for bone densitometry systems.The registrant must ensure that:
A. systems with stepless collimators are provided with the means to both size and align the x-ray field at the place of the image receptor and does not exceed the SID by two percent;B. during the operation of the bone densitometry system, the operator, ancillary personnel, and members of the general public must be positioned to maintain occupational radiation dose and dose to the public as low as reasonably achievable during the examination so as not to exceed the limits in parts 4732.0410 to 4732.0430;C. the radiographic procedures are conducted according to radiographic order requirements in part 4732.0560, subpart 2; andD. the equipment performance evaluations are completed at intervals not to exceed 24 months according to: (1) nationally recognized standards such as Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, section 1020;(2) the manufacturer's specifications; orSubp. 3.Quality assurance or quality control procedures.The registrant must ensure that:
A. all quality assurance or quality control procedures follow the recommendations of a nationally recognized standard, and the manufacturer's specifications for quality control tests;B. the frequency of quality assurance or quality control procedures, and corrective actions taken as a result of the quality control testing are followed and documented; andC. the facility's operating and emergency procedures include quality assurance or quality control procedures.Subp. 4.Bone density system operators.The registrant must ensure that an operator of bone densitometry equipment must:
A. be a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, physician assistant, registered radiologist assistant or radiology practitioner assistant, or be an x-ray operator having fulfilled the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 144.121, subdivision 5;B. complete specific manufacturer's training or the equivalent on bone densitometry equipment; andC. have site-specific training on the registrant's operating and emergency procedures.Subp. 5.Records.The registrant must ensure that the records are maintained according to part 4732.0330.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4732, EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, pt. 4732.0850
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.12